Not a fan

but I find the reaction of the dweebs on the internet to be beyond disgusting. It makes me question whether or not they're even human.


They aren't


Yes, they are.

I suggest you read "The Significance of Dehumanization: Nazi Ideology and Its Psychological Consequences."


Of course you’d read a book about Nazi ideology, Nazis and libtards are essentially one in the same

This was you last Sunday; “Kamala Ma protects us, we are her children, I pledge my devotion to her with an offer of flesh..... and blood”


You forget that Nazis were righties.

That book is a study of how Nazi ideology used a technique of dehumanizing Jews and other "undesirables." Much like you are trying to dehumanize those who are not extreme right.


Uhhhh go look up what Nazi stood for and get back to me. Your own deity Barack Obama was beyond hostile to Israel which is very similar to the ideals of Adolf Hitler

I am not extreme right, I am a centrist more than anything, you however are a far left cultist


Are all you righties reading the same web site or something? If the deepest you ever went into American history was what the "Nazi" acronym stands for, then it's no wonder you are lost. I suggest you research why the party was started and why it named itself as it did. The Nazi party was clearly right-wing fascist.

You are not a centrist. No centrist would go around screaming "Demokkkrat" at people and attacking Democrats in every single post. That's not centrism.


Lol socialism is not right wing, pee wee. And the lefts behavior today is far more nazi like that anything the right has done. The right had become a little too moderate for my taste but you people are crazy. I am a centrist for the most part and I can call out hate when I see it and the Demokkkrats are the very definition of hate


LOOK UP THE STORY OF THE NAZI PARTY, DUMMY. They were right-wing. Now they are banned in Germany, as they should be, and in case you didn't know it, Germany is now a liberal country. Thanks to us setting up their great constitution for them.

You're no centrist. You're a liar. Every word you speak is right-wing hate.


socialism is left winged you idiot. And Barack Obama was just as hostile to the Jewish community as Hitler was so it’s a very legitimate comparison. You people are showing your own Nazi behavior more every day

I am a fairly objective observer, you are a left winged nutjob and you be in a padded cell for a period of time so they can determine you aren’t a danger to the outside world


Haha! "Objective observer." You're a hoot. Keep telling yourself that, goofball.

Did you happen to go past high school? If so, crack open a book and learn before you speak.


Just calling it like I see it, if you were wise you’d listen to me but unfortunately your cult has brainwashed you beyond repair


Wise men don't listen to people who have no understanding of history, then spout falsehoods about it. Do you know what the Dunning-Kruger Effect is?


I have given you some very wise advice, you are too indoctrinated to see reason . Maybe one day you’ll widen up, son


Yes you are correct. My college professor has said the same thing


All the Nazis in this country today are on the Right, they like conservative politics so how can you associate them with the Left?


Just look at their behavior . It was AOC calling for concentration camps for Trump supporters. Also the Nazis were all about big government, exactly why the libtards want


Ask them if they are Right or Left.


AOC is left, that is common knowledge. The left has called for Trump supporters to be blacklisted and outcast from society, they even suggested that they have their children taken away from them (I guess family separations are good now), not to mention the alleged concentration camps at the border existed under Obama. The left today is very comparable with Nazi Germany.


Obama didn’t separate children from their parents. Ask a Nazi supporter if they are Conservative or Liberal.


Yes the child separation happened under Obama, the pictures of kids in cages that the left used to smear Trump were taken in 2014, guess who was president? President Trump actually ended child separations, although your outrage rings incredibly hollow considering kids in this country are separated from their parents all the time when their parents break the law.

Non sequitur, if every single Neo Nazi in this country was right winged it wouldn't make the left's actions any less atrocious. The discussion was about AOC and the rest of the DemoKKKrats, fringe Neo Nazi groups have not a thing to do with this discussion.


Trump lied.


Ooooops, the truth's a bitch ain't it.


Hon, yes he signed an executive order to end it because people were appalled by it and he lied saying that it was something that Obama started, but just try to fact check that. Use Google and ask if it was started during the Obama presidency. I purposefully didn’t give you links to liberal websites. The Statesman is a Republican website. It’s just not true, look it up for yourself.


It happened under Obama and Obama did nothing, Obama didn't end it. Trump did you libtard. I never said it started under Obama, it happened under Obama and Trump ended it so if anything Trump ended a hate policy that Obama was apparently too weak to end or had no desire. If it makes you feel any better it happened under Bush and Clinton. (not that it matters in this discussion)

Now I'm willing to continue this discussion but you need to admit that Obama is worse than you claim Trump was.



It’s not just Trump saying this, the facts say differently and I’ve proven it. You need to admit that Obama is worse than you claim Trump is. You seem to think the Trump is the one who instituted child separation and that is a lie. If it’s so horrible then why did Obama let it happen for 8 straight years?

Also your article is about whether Obama instituted the child separation, no one said he did, it was well established that it happened under Bush and Clinton. The point is you people smear president Trump for separating families despite the fact that he ended it and Obama didn’t so Obama is worse than you claim Trump is.


You didn’t prove it, you didn’t even read the links that you posted from Faux News lol


I see you have pretty much given up debating the facts, better luck next time. No charge for your education today that is my gift to you


Yep Obama separated children from their parents. At first it may have happened more under Trump because President Trump actually had a desire to enforce border security but then he ended the alleged Nazi law that Obama was apparently fine with. So yeah before you call anyone a Nazi take a good hard look in the mirror you demented libtard.

Lay off the fake news, pee wee.


I’m not sure who to take more seriously in this exchange, the guy who’s being polite or the guy who resorts to petty name-calling in every post. Hmm...


Apparently facts aren't a criteria for you, typical DemoKKKrat.


Right?! I’m a chick but I can’t believe what assholes these posters are to each other. Why would you want to waste your day talking to someone who talks to you like you’re garbage?


No one's talking to you like you're garbage, you just need to either learn to take the heat or stay out of the kitchen.


I didn’t say that anyone was talking to me like garbage, I said that is how people treat each other here. Who would ‘want’ to stay in a hot kitchen with a bunch of angry insulting jerks when there are a million other wonderful things to do in this world that don’t poison your spirit?


Quit playing the victim and learn to stand on your own two feet.


What on earth did I say that implied I was a victim?


You sure act like it, typical libtard behavior


I want you to answer my question if you can.


You said “why would you want to talk to someone who treats you like garbage” that’s implying you are being treated like garbage which you aren’t . And awwww that’s so cute you made a new friend,


You should have read the first sentence, where I said that it’s how you talk to each other . . .I didn’t say to me, even though I don’t understand why you feel the need to talk down to me either.


I’m only speaking to you the way you deserve to be spoken to, get over it


That says a lot about who you are as a person. Life must be awful for you, I’m so sorry.


Naw things are going quite well for me. I don’t dictate the quality of my life based on who is in the White House like you people do. Also this is the internet , honey. You are going to encounter people who will say things that they wouldn’t say in real life because they don’t have to be accountable for it, again either take the heat or stay out of the kitchen


Gee, thanks mister for telling me about the internet!




I told you this guy is truly an idiot. He claims to be a principal of a school... Let that sink in for a moment.


That is really depressing.


Excuse moviechatuser497 he is a special kind of ignorant.


Thanks lol


Nazi - National Socialist German Workers Party

Although, I'm sure the definition of "socialist" might be a little different today than it was back in Hitler's day. I don't think "socialist" is right wing. Hitler claimed to be on the worker's side of everything. I don't see that as being all that right wing. I mean, not that righties are against worker rights but Hitler was almost commie with his stance on workers. Or at least he claimed to be... his actions might not have demonstrated this but that's the first thing dictators do, they say they're for the workers.

However, I do see some traits that were both left and right from the Nazi's. Hitler was also a big animals rights activist, which is usually associated with lefty ideologies. But he also disliked jews which can sometimes be called "right wing". Hitler was in favor of abortion too which is also considered "lefty". Hitler thought it might be a good way to eliminate undesirables.

Anyhow, for whatever reason, people always like to bring Hitler and/or the Nazi's into these discussions. lol... this ends your history lesson for the day.


Haha. You look dumber the more you type. I have repeatedly said to look up the origin of the party (and the name of the party, for that matter). Here, since you only want to confirm your own bias, I'll spell it out for you:

The party was created to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism. You understand nationalism, right? It's an "America First" kind of idea. My country wrong or right. The Nazi party was an enemy of and an alternative to the political left.

Try this article on for size. It's one of many that explains it to you:


Who cares what wapo says. Go read a book, knucklehead.


It's not just wapo. I've read many books. This is history, kid.


How about Britannica, since you don't like The Washington Post.


And I apologize for calling you "dumb." I thought for sure you were MovieChatUser497, who doesn't have the faintest understanding of the right-wing origins of the Nazi party.


lol... I figured you thought I was user497. No biggie.. apology accepted.

But still.. I do see some similarities of both sides in the nazi's though. I probably wouldn't call them the equivalent of "conservative republican" or "liberal democrat". but I do see some things that make me go, wow, I've seen that from the left or wow, I've seen that from the right. etc..

In addition to this, Hitler was an artist (usually a profession pursued by lefties) and wanted to go to a "liberal" arts school too but was rejected. I mean, it's just little things like this that make me think about it...


To be fair, I don't think you can look at small things, like his college major or the fact that he loved animals, in order to determine ideology. I have extremely conservative friends who are true animal lovers. It's all about the political moves and what the person does while in power. The Nazis were a nationalist party. Socialism was strong in Germany, so they stole the name in order to appeal to working-class resentments, hoping to wean German workers away from their attachment to existing socialist and communist parties. Hitler was a populist leader. Far lefties will say "Hitler was a Christian", but that is highly disputed and most think it was simply a mask and he was actually skeptical of religion, so I won't throw that in there. He certainly didn't seem to care for Judaism.

The Nazi party made a priority of breaking trade unions, and union leaders were arrested and put in prison or concentration camps. It kicked Democrats, socialists, and Jews out of public service in the government. The Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively.

In the 1930s, Nazism, in sharp contrast to socialism, was strongly supported by leading capitalists and right wingers in the US. When Henry Ford announced that he might run for president in 1923, Hitler (barely known at the time) told the Chicago Tribune that he would like to send shock troops to Chicago to assist in the campaign. Hoover admired the Nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler.

Nazism is a right wing ideology. It is violently racist, anti-socialist, and it targets the political left for extermination. It is honestly scary to me that extreme righties have misunderstood (intentionally?) history to the extent that they have.


Again, you keep saying "right wing" but that is not anything equivalent to 'conservative republican' in today's America. Neither party would be considered anywhere close to "nazism" of 1930s Germany.

However, I still say they showed signs of both sides. Free speech is now under attack by the left as well, like it was under nazi rule. We now have cancel culture and whatnot. I don't see any effort at all from the left to try to curb this type of thing. The only ones I see trying to nip this in the bud are Republicans.


The bullshit that MAGA and the GOP creeps who hitched their wagon to Trumps populist turd train have been fomenting has been having less and less to do with conservative republicanism.


Was this thread about Trump?

Even Trump is not any where close to being Hitler-like.


No but the conversation was turned, not by me to focus on, Conservative republicanism.

I'd welcome Conservative republicanism. The current post MAGA complexion of the right is far from conservative.


There is nothing to curb ... but your enthusiasm.
Cancel culture is a made up thing in the media. Much ado about nothing ... except it is almost always the right wingers that get called and cancelled for their abuses ... because they are corrupt thieves. They support racism because it allows them to exploit ... i.e. steal, the labor and rights of minorities. They hate unions for the same reason.


Intelligent people don't read Fake News or listen to Intellectual Morons.




God, the stupidity, or pretend purposeful ignorance of the right-wingers online is beyond sickening. Who doesn't know the Nazis were fascists, corporatists, tyrants and that the Left is democratic, liberal, egalitarian, socialists.

Socialism is democratic capitalism, Fascism is elitist capitalism and always goes wrong.


Reread this thread and you’ll realize everything you said is totally irrelevant . Also socialism is left wing not right, genius


I don't think you are smart enough to understand what I wrote if you think I said socialism was right wing.


You said that the left in this country are not Nazi like, even though Nazi literally stood for: National Socialist German Workers' Party, key word: SOCIALIST, a ideal that the left in this country is actively embracing. And I have pointed to many examples where the left is actively acting like Nazis, the right in this country isn't any better, they are allowing them to get away with this.


Key words are willful ignorant.


Your concession is noted


So is Trump's defeat.


I accepted that back in November , pee wee. I don’t buildings when I lose like you people do


Bernie was a member of Socialist Workers Party. Hitler was leader of National Socialist Workers Party! No difference between NAZIs and Commies.


What do you think socialism 'is'?


lol Wow, that have the same word in the party name, so they MUST be the exact same thing. I think you also need to read some history.


They both have the same ideals, genius.


Nazi's weren't right wing... They were liberals to the nth degree. Liberal use of propaganda, liberal spewing of hatred, liberal application of intolerance... pretty much identical to the modern day American liberal.


Correct. And did you also know you can eat your own shit and it's totally fine. People have been claiming for years that it's not sanitary and it could kill you. LIARS!

Try it and check it out. The libs will be mad at you for eating your own shit and not giving a fuck what they say. Just try it and watch them.


Oh you poor fool, just cause you tasted shit on your dad's dick after he ass fucked you doesn't mean people are supposed to eat shit.


Liberals are human. They just aren't humane.


That's rich, coming from a Rush supporter. A man who was responsible for the most vile rhetoric of the past 30 years and truly one of the founders of America's decline.


He was? What did he say that was so vile?


Are you kidding? From mocking Michael J. Fox being sick with Parkinsons to AIDS victims being laughed at the man had no morals whatsoever and sold the "conservative dream" of superiority to his brainwashed fans for decades. The man was a disgusting excuse of an "entertainer".


I never listened to him but how is that any worse than what we hear from liberals every day? They literally wish death on people who don't agree with them.


Fuck off, idiot. Liberals wish death?? Are you insane? When has a liberal wished a person to be dead? I mean yeah, Trump killed 400,000 Americans because he couldn't handle Covid and it sure would've helped if he'd been out of the picture after he contracted the virus himself, but please give an example of how Democrats wanted others to die.


You aren't worth the effort.


So, you can only accuse people of being wrong, but don't care enough to strengthen your own arguments? Typical reaction from a pathetic right winger.


Rush "ButterCup" Limbaugh reveled in making fun of people dying or suffering from cancer even (ie - Ruth Bader Ginsburg)


So...two wrongs make a right?

How childish.



It's only fitting that he gets send out as he sent others out.


It doesn't put right what he did. No.

But he went out of his way in life to earn this. So let every man be paid in full.
