

Wow rejoicing over a man's death, that sure is classy.


For a hate-spewing bigot? It fits. Sorry to trigger you, snowflake.


There you go making excuses for your own bigotry, typical libtard logic . I guess your definition of “hate spewing bigot” is anyone who disagrees with you. Speaking of being a snowflake you seem to think you don’t owe anyone the respect you demand for yourself , maybe you should take a good hard look at yourself, I doubt you’ll like what you see


I see what you mean but I honestly do not believe it applies to Rush. He's not the hill to die on. Like Trump, he was indecency incarnate. Would I say these things to his family in person, no I woukd say sorry for your loss. But Rush put himself out there as a public figure so he is fair game to criticize and trash. I hope he gained enough favor in life to serve well in hell.


Well I don't think that Ruth Bader Ginsberg deserves any respect but you would throw a hissy fit if I said the same thing after she died. But of course you will try to retort with she was a far more honorable person even though it's totally subjective.

You know you can not like the guy and still not rejoice that he's died.


I may disagree regarding RBG you have a right to your opinion. I certainly wish she retired much sooner than she did.


Well I don't think she's worthy of any form of respect and still I won't rejoice in her death.


Just checked the RBG forum. No celebrations of her death or disrespect. You all are true to form.


Apples to turds.


And we see where the turds are. Your side


I remember when conservative Dan Savage rejoiced over the death of Tim Russert who ran the NBC show Meet the Press. I was sickened by how callous he was about the guys death just because they were on different parts of the political spectrum.

But I get it now. On the republican side I was saddened by the death of John McCain because he was an actual asset to our country, but Rush Limbaugh was such a political tool. He was a grifter that engineered divide and spin in our country for profit. He was a hypocrite. He was a liar. He was a liability. Good Riddance.


And again you just forfeited whatever right you ever had to preach about decency. Not only did you people sanction rioting and violence all last summer but now you are actively expressing rejoice at someone’s unfortunate death. So am I ok to be happy when Nancy Pelosi dies because I think she’s a nasty woman and a political hack? Naw if I did that you would be screaming for me to go to jail and pitching a temper tantrum you disingenuous little sh1t


Yep! You are SO right, Movie! That guy is a fucking asshole!





Class does not apply to Rush, he had none.


Neither do you.


Like you listened to him. You know nothing about him other than what people whom hate him have trained you to think. Also known as your political masters.

In fairness, I once believed the shitty things said about him. But then I listened. I don't agree with everything he said but I will say that he was gentle, friendly, and a stand-up guy.


I worked for over 12 years with a crew that loved listening to their "idol" every day. So, yeah, I've heard him. And he was every bit the asshole he acted like on the air.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Now, if only the Dotard will follow suit, we'll have happy days ahead.


You are inciting violence, you should be prosecuted.


I missed where Lemmy was telling anyone to fight. Nice try though.


Was he being gentle and friendly when he called Sandra Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute?"


Sandra Fluke was a liar and a crybaby, she deserved whatever she got. Were you being gentle and friendly when you suggested Sarah Palin should just aborted his child with special needs not too long ago? Of course not because to the libtard cult not giving away free birth control to other libtards is a “war on women” but to strong conservative women it’s open season.


Say what? I never suggested Palin, or anyone else, should abort their child. You're a real looney.

The guy above said Limbaugh was "gentle and friendly." I provided a counter-point where he most certainly was not.


That’s what your side suggested and you seem to support them so you are complicit in it. The lefts gentle and sympathetic nature is the biggest lie ever told. You people are a bunch of sadistic scumbags


1) I'm not far left, and 2) Fuck gentle and sympathetic. You don't be gentle with Nazis, QAnon nutjobs, or insurrectionists. I am far from sadistic, however.

I am a country boy with a sense of right and wrong. Intolerance is wrong. Not tolerating intolerance is right.


1) you are a far left Demokkkrat cult member
2) you should be showing sympathy because his family is probably in a lot of pain right now, you would expect the same had it happened to your loved one,

Your sense of right and wrong is radically skewed, your cult is the last to judge anyone on right and wrong. It’s not right to incite violence and then accuse the other side of it when they clearly said peacefully protest but here we are


1) And what evidence are you basing that assertion on, that I am far-left and a "Demokkkrat?" You don't know anything about me.

2) I have no sympathy for Rush. I'd be polite to his family if I knew them, but I don't. And I don't expect that they're scanning moviechat.org for comments about Rush.

Don't try turning that cult shit around. The Trump groupies are a cult. QAnon is a cult.

If it's not right to incite violence, you must be angry with Trump.


1) you celebrating rush’s death and ignoring me when I brought up the BLM riots is all the evidence I need, you are a far left cultist and you people are crazy.

2) you can disagree with him and still be sad that he died but no, you people are instead happy he’s dead, you are a sick individual. If I celebrated when Pelosi dies you would be throwing a huge temper tantrum.

“Kamala ma, Kamala ma, I drink the blood of the innocent, Kamala ma, my sacrifice to you shall be rewarded, I worship you kamala ma”


I didn't ignore you--I addressed it. You saying "BLM riots" clearly marks you, as if I need more confirmation. I said I supported the peaceful protestors, but not the rioters. Is that not clear enough for you?

Yes, you can disagree with him and be sad he's dead. But I'm not sad. He was a hate monger. I don't see what's "sick" about speaking the truth. And I don't give two shits if you celebrate when Pelosi goes. Knock yourself out!

And what's that Kamala shit you have posted twice now? I don't know what you are babbling about.


So then Biden , Harris and Pelosi were wrong to encourage the riots correct? Why aren’t you calling for their impeachment’s?

No your side is the side of hate lingering, rush just called it like it was, you should be comforting and trying to ease the pain of the family but instead you are showing your own, hateful colors, typical libtard

Lol Kamala is the woman you elected VP, you clearly worship her like a god you sadistic psycho


You really are incredibly stupid. Chanting that Kamala bullshit like it means something to me. I don't even like Biden or Harris. Whoa, I guess you are even more lost now. "Wut happened? I thought I was insulting a lefty Demokkkrat who loves Biden and Kamala??"

Sorry to rock your world. While I am not a lefty, you definitely are stupid.


So then they should both be impeached correct? At least have the courage to stand on your own two feet and answer the question you radical libtard cultist


You're the cultist. What has Q told you this week?

I don't know if they should be impeached because I never cared about those two. I don't know what they said, nor do I give a shit. They're only marginally better than Trump. Okay, maybe more than marginally (anyone would be), but that's not saying much.


Biden said the police were the enemy (meaning it’s ok for BLM to murder them) and that he wanted to punch Donald Trump in the face (clearly inciting violence), Harris said about the rioters “it’s not going to stop, get ready for more”, she also bailed the rioters out. both incited violence and if you had announce of integrity you’d be calling for their impeachment and prosecution with the same passion you’ve rejoiced in the death of some radio talk show host


I remember Biden saying he's take Trump "out to the woodshed." I don't remember him saying he'd like to punch Trump in the face or that the police were the enemy. Do you have a reasonable source for that?

I have plenty of integrity. People with integrity don't make snap judgements based on extremist views on movie chat boards. Let's see a source.

I also have said twice now I don't rejoice in Limbaugh dying. Again, I will state I feel indifferent about it. He was a voice for hatred and intolerance, but there are many out there and silencing one doesn't mean anything.


My mistake , it was actually worse than that, he said he’d “beat the hell out of him” https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/03/21/politics/joe-biden-donald-trump/index.html. How you feel about him is irrelevant you should be consoling the family i their time of grief , instead you are celebrating and hurling insults, you are a disgrace and if you had any integrity at all you’d join me in calling for Biden and Harris to go to jail . What can I expect though from the party of hate and obstruction


I can't console the family... I don't know them! I doubt I'd be traveling in the circles of wealthy right-wing radio pundits anyway.

For a third time, I'll tell you I am not celebrating.

The article you linked said Biden said he would "beat the hell out of President Donald Trump if they were in high school" over his crude comments about women. That's not super nice, but is it as bad as Trump inciting the capitol riot? I don't think so. How many the many pro-violence comments Trump has made at his rallys? Mr. Centrist, are you calling for him to go to jail right along with Biden?

As far as me being a "disgrace", speak for yourself, rightie. I've earned my place in life, and it's a good place. How's yours?


First of all Donald Trump did not incite a riot and the Demokkkrats were caught red handed deceitfully editing his speech, saying you want to beat the hell out of a president is never ok and it was a clear example of Biden inciting violence. Doesn’t matter if he said if I was in high school or not, hate is hate no matter what. High schoolers should beat people up either and that’s still assault. You are attacking Rush the day he died, that is like rubbing salt in the wounds of his family who is grieving. You should either be supportive or not say anything at all but like I said your cult has warped your view on morality.

Also it’s not my standard that we go after politicians whose supporters behave badly but it’s your standard and by your standard Biden and Harris and Pelosi should all be in jail. Join me In calling on Congress to do the right thing and impeach all of them or admit that you are a biased demokkkrat


Ha! Trump didn't incite the riot?? Mitch McConnell disagrees with you, Mr. Centrist.

Someone else started this thread. I just said he was a voice for hatred and intolerance, and that I am indifferent to him dying. I simply don't care. It's your side always crying about "freedom of speech", so why can't I say what I want to say?

No cult here. I bet you read QAnon stuff though, don't you? Admit it.


You need a rubber room, dude.


He had WAY more class than you'll ever have, you fucking Libtard asshole! You're demonstrating your TOTAL LACK
of class right now. Eat shit!



If you associate class with Rush Limbaugh, then I don't want it.


He had class. You have nothing, you pathetic little loser!



Rush Limbaugh Mocked Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's By Pretending To Shake Uncontrollably and saying that he was pretending, real classy.


Imagine being such a “tolerant” and “accepting” liberal that you cheer about a person dying of cancer.

I mean, most people realize by now most of the “tolerance” and “acceptance” preached by liberals is complete horse shit hypocrisy, but still...absolutely no class.

You can’t make this shit up. I mean, I didn’t care much for Limbaugh either...but to be happy about someone dying of cancer? What a total douchebag. 😂


Don't act like conservatives are above it.


They aren’t...and it’s dog shit behavior in both cases.


Actually they are, liberals are the bigots.


I'm not rejoicing. But I am glad to see he lived long enough to see Trump lose.


All you had to say is RIP and best wishes to his family (or just say nothing). You didn't have to make this political but that's what the left does unfortunately, so disgusting. Thanks though for proving my point about how evil and bigoted the left is.


I always laugh when some alt-wrongo claims to be taking the high ground. What a flipping joke.
These people can openly undermine democracy and decent behavior, then point fingers like they are angelic and blameless. Just say anything they want, call it subjective opinion, lie, bitch, scream and moan and play the victim. What a flipping joke.


I think you are confused with the libtards, you just described them. Thanks for proving my point however.


These people can openly undermine democracy and decent behavior, then point fingers like they are angelic and blameless. Just say anything they want, call it subjective opinion, lie, bitch, scream and moan and play the victim. What a flipping joke.

You just described the liberal media (and the DNC) to a tee.

Visit the RBG forum. Hypocrite.


I've noticed libtards are often guilty of what they accuse conservatives of: Colluding with a foreign power, inciting riots, undermining democracy, etc.


Conservatives are name-callers probably 90% of the time, and play victim almost all the time. They are the biggest victims ever.


I guess it depends on what news filter you get 100% of your information from. Spend some time listening to no news at all. See where all the insulting and victimhood comes from then.


I get my information from reading posts from conservatives online. They're always crying about something or another. I'm thankful we got through the holidays without more screaming about the "war on Christmas." I think it was overshadowed by conservatives crying about losing the election. It'll probably come back this Christmas.


That's comical. Anytime a highly-charged political figure dies, it's going to be political. You're not too bright.


Because you made it political numb nuts. Liberal calls for civility are a joke and are ringing incredibly hollow by this point.

Well I've had about enough but keep in mind Nancy Pelosi is getting pretty high up there and you've given me free reign to rejoice when she dies. Remember that and don't pitch a fit when it happens.


I didn't make it political. You guys were already involved in a political discussion when I made my comment. You can take that civility and stuff it. I have no interest in calling for civility with QAnon clowns, psycho nationalists, and lovers of Kim Jong Un. You go ahead and rejoice when Pelosi dies. Just remember I said above "I'm not rejoicing." You're so stupid, I don't even think you know who said what.


It was political because the OP (a libtard by the way) was making it political. You libtards are the ones who politicize everything and have closed the door on anything resembling a civil discussion. You know speaking as an unbiased, objective , moderate observer, you need to somehow break away from the brainwashing that goes on in your DemoKKKrat cult, you libtards have lost all grasps on morality that now you are happy that someone has died. I bet when you go to you libtard cult temple meeting next week you all are going to celebrate and then pray that Donald Trump dies while sticking pins and needles into voodoo dolls. You need to be institutionalized and re-educated . Seriously what the hell is wrong with you? I’m guessing your attitude will pull a complete 180 when I rejoice when Nancy Pelosi kicks the bucket as libtard Demokkkrats often do.


How many times can you name-call? Asking us to be reasonable with insult-screaming anti-Americans that storm our capitol is ridiculous. I am sure you would be in favor of reeducation camps. It's "reich" up your alley.

I never said I was happy Limbaugh is dead. I am indifferent. A hateful voice was quieted today, but he was just one of many.


Just take the Nancy Pelosi standard “people do what they do”, I personally am disgusted by the capital rioters but you were fine with rioting when BLM and Antifa were doing it so you have forfeited all moral high ground on this one. David Dorn was an expendable political point to you. I trust you will do the right thing and call for the impeachment of the DemoKKKrats who incited violence against the police and underprivileged people. You probably won’t though because you are a libtard coward .

You didn’t stand against the OP who rejoiced in his death instead you decided to attack conservatives,that’s as bad as murdering him


Good try, but you don't know how I feel about BLM and Antifa. Did Q tell you Antifa stormed our capitol? I say lock up all the rioters, but leave the peaceful protestors on both sides alone. I am a libtard coward? Fuck you, pal. And Fuck Rush, too.


I bet your libtard cult is just like the temple of doom, you people are f-cking crazy, I bet your priest wears a human skull as a hat . You are even worse than the KKK. I’m sure that after you people ordered the assassination attempt on Steve Scalise you were going to dig the body up, drink his blood and sacrifice it to your cult leader, you are some sick individuals


Get off the QAnon sites. They've already done irreparable damage to your brain.


Amen, Bro! Leftists are the true bigots and racists!



If I have learned anything in my time in this world, it is liberal/progressives project on to/accuse others of what they actually are.


Exactly, they are some of the most evil, sadistic individuals on the planet


I always hated it when he would rattle paper right up next to the mic. It was such a horrible, ugly sound.






No, not really. Hell doesn't exist.

But people like Limbaugh make me wish it did.


Fuck you, ass wipe! You're not worth the dirt Rush scraped off his shoes!



You realize that Limbaugh never thought of his fans as anything more than the dirt under his shoes, even if you were paydirt for him?

I heard his show, everything he said reeked with contempt for the idiots who believed what he was saying. He never believed a word of it himself, he just liked getting people all worked up, fill them with hate and anger and then direct the hate at his own favorite targets.


Fuck you, asshole!

