MovieChat Forums > Rush Limbaugh Discussion > Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer [...

Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer [CURED]

What a shame. Millions of old men won't know what to think about it.

He's been cured by our Father in heaven, George Washington.


He was pretty nasty when some liberals got seriously ill.

I guess I'll show him more consideration than he does to people he doesn't like and just not say anything about him, now that he's dying.


citation needed


Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh says Senator Ted Kennedy was served booze, not coffee, by 'Negroes,' as a new book claims.

In controversial remarks, Limbaugh was responding to a story in a new book called "Game Change" that former president Bill Clinton had told Kennedy that Barack Obama would have been serving him coffee a few years ago and that he wasn't worth supporting for president.

Kennedy, who eventually supported Obama, was upset by the remarks, which merely increased the tension between the two leading Democrats.

Limbaugh, however, says it was not like that at all.

Limbaugh stated: "I know the real reason that Teddy Kennedy was mad and offended when Bill Clinton said 'Hey, come on man, this guy woulda been fetching us coffee a few years ago.' What made Teddy Kennedy mad was it's women get him coffee. It was Negroes that brought Ted Kennedy his booze. And that's why he was all offended . . .We deal in the truth here . . ."

Limbaugh had previously incensed Kennedy supporters when he congratulated himself for predicting Kennedy's death while the health care reform bill was being written.

"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care Bill," Limbaugh said at the time.

Limbaugh was criticized for his insensitivity over those Kennedy remarks but expressed pride in them. "I predicted it, and I caught all kinds of grief for it out there," he said.


At the height of his 'kingmaker' power, in 1991 Rush Limbaugh was invited to stay at the White House. Then President George HW Bush was so eager for his endorsement that he carried his bags to the guest room.


First I heard that, didn't do George any good. Hard to believe looking back that Bush Sr was actually one of the best Republican presidents in the latter 20th century. He wasn't very good at it but he was a lot better than Reagan, Nixon, and especially his shithead son that ran this country into the ground. The height of Rush's career was during the Clinton administration because by that point he had brainwashed enough dittos they swallowed every lie he told about the Clintons and begged for more.


What lies did he tell about the Clintons?


That Bill Clinton was a rapist


I think that was the victim herself that called him a rapist.

Juanita Broderrick.

Look her up. She was a Democrat supporter/organizer for the Clintons.


She was only one of many. Now throw in Clinton's perjury and nothing Rush said hurt Bill as much as Bill hurt himself.


Right on...and Bill AND Hillary visited Epstein's child sex island.


They are a VERY CREEPY couple for sure


Look on the bright side, nobody but your dumbass family and some of your loser friends will care when you die either - so you and he will share a similarity in the uselessness of those who mourn you.

What I'm interested in is what he was doing all those years ago getting busted returning from the Dominican Republic with a bag full of Oxy & Viagra.


That oxy-poppin' fat bastard vilified drug addicts. Fuck 'em.


Also, nobody but my family and friends will care when I die, but nobody will cheer either. I've lived a Saintly life compared to Limbaugh.


I wouldn’t want you to get a terminal illness. More than likely I only have a few more years left, so I wouldn’t wish to lose one of my many sparring partners on this board. 😉


I'll care more about his passing than some rapist NBA player.


I'll care no more of Rush's passing than I do dropping a turd in the toilet.


RIP your turd.


I'll snap you a pic of the next log I pinch out. Poor brown fella....he barely knew life and in a blink of a flush....It was gone.




You would if you had IBS! I’m bedridden now because of it. 🤬 Profanity not included...


I have your back and a 100 gallons of pepto. No worries.


Thanks, but I would prefer tincture of opium or a morphine tab. Surprised? 😱


and Rush Limbaugh would fight to the death for you to get universal healthcare and cheaper medication that would help you. unless you of course are fairly well off and have been able to afford good insurance and the medicine you need.

in which case it proves our point why we shouldn't care Limbaugh is dying and that he is a scumbag and his followers are empathetic less monsters.


Everyone can get healthcare now...don’t throw that at me. It’s health *insurance* they may not have. Personally I like my private room when hospitalized. I don’t wish to be in a ward with just curtains for privacy. I don’t want to wait weeks to see a doctor. Wait months (if I live long enough) to have a procedure.

Universal healthcare doesn’t mean good care. If a 70 year old needs a hip replacement vs a 50 year old, whom do you think would receive the hip replacement. Age is factored in as to whether it would be cost effective to give an older vs younger person a procedure. Be careful what you wish for.

I wish everyone who wants government freebies would move to countries with absolute free healthcare. BTW, it’s not free. Someone is paying for it. In the meantime read the following:


No they can't. preventative care is not a thing if you don't have insurance.

"I don’t want to wait weeks to see a doctor. Wait months (if I live long enough) to have a procedure. "

I waited 1 day to see mine with my government healthcare lol.

"Universal healthcare doesn’t mean good care. If a 70 year old needs a hip replacement vs a 50 year old, whom do you think would receive the hip replacement. Age is factored in as to whether it would be cost effective to give an older vs younger person a procedure. Be careful what you wish for. "

that's not how it works..... lol

"I wish everyone who wants government freebies would move to countries with absolute free healthcare. BTW, it’s not free. Someone is paying for it. In the meantime read the following:"

who said free? im sorry you don't understand how it works but the rest of us do. umm no im not reading your conservative uneducated propaganda nut piece. thanks


If you want to know what nationalized healthcare would look like in the USA? You don't need to try and imagine what it would be based on how it is in the UK or Canada, which is what so many people tell you to do. The US government has provided nationalized healthcare to a segment of the US population right now and have been for over a hundred years - Native Americans get universal healthcare from the US government.

So if you wonder what it would be like, all you need to do is ask a Native American and they can tell you what it's like.

I'll share some of the highlights...
Need to make an appointment? The waiting list is often more than 9 months long. I don't use it, but when my doctor was on vacation when I ran out of blood pressure medicine I thought I would just use the Indian clinic to get a new prescription to hold me over until my doctor came back... I was told at that time that they would put me on a list for an appointment but that at the moment it was 18 months long... I said add me to the list, not because I intended to use them but just because I was curious if I would ever get a call back... I did 13 months later.

Have a pain in your side and want to know what it is causing it? That happened to a neighbor that used them, they gave him free prescription pain pills. Of course when he collapsed in his backyard and his wife had him taken to the local hospital they finally found out what had been causing him pain for over a year - advanced liver cancer that the doctor in a real hospital was able to give a note before they even did x-rays because of the bumps he could feel on the guys side.

Want to use them to deliver your baby? They do it for free... of course they were also sterilizing the new mothers without even telling them. I guess it was their version of the Chinese 1 baby per family plan.

That's just three little gems for what you could expect from government healthcare in the US. It is still going on, but I sure don't want it.


hhahahahhahaah the waiting list for an appointment is 9 months? ohh ya its def that long in Canada and the UK lol. oh wait now its changed to 18 months

you are too dumb man. if you want to come over the border and visit Canada I can get you an appointment today or at most 2 days from now.

lol you are an idiot. I am embarrassed for you kid. seriously stop talking you the most stupid loser I have ever seen.

lol cherry picks some random (likely untrue) stories about natives. doesn't talk about medicare or medicaid.How convenient


The government even admits it, 3,406 women sterilized in a 3 year period without their consent. I know my fact you ignorant fool, and only a moron thinks that medicare or medicaid is government funded healthcare. Those things are just government sponsored insurance and has nothing to do with providing healthcare.


hahaha couldn't answer anything else. sooo embarrassing.


Only needed to prove you were full of shit. Otherwise you are irrelevant.


medicare and medicaid. must be nice to cherry pick the bad and ignore everything else inconvenient.

so when you visiting Canada? for your next day doctors visit? oh right but government healthcare leads to mass sterilization lol. after an 18 month wait hahahahaha

I am embarrassed for you


government ran Native American schools also separated kids from parents and abused them.

I guess ALL schools should be abolished now!!

contard logic


You are carrying water for insurance companies. They are not needed. They are a middle man that grabs money. There is no need for them. You are fighting against your own best interest.


No, I believe insurance is a large part of the problem with healthcare. It keeps people from seeing the real cost of their healthcare so they don't try to shop around or stay healthy because they don't see a direct link to how they live, what doctors they see and what it really costs.

If you wanted to fix the whole problem you would ban all forms of health insurance. Doctors can't charge 40,000 for open heart surgery when they can't find people that can afford to pay that, they would have to lower their prices or go bankrupt. Same thing with drug companies, when I traveled to Brazil on a regular basis I would get my blood pressure medicine from there it wasn't just a generic version it was made by the same drug company that made it in the US, the only difference is I could buy 30 pills for less than 6 dollars while in the US my co-pay was 40 and if I didn't have insurance it would have cost me 120. The drug company wasn't selling at a loss in Brazil they are just gouging the hell out of US citizens because we don't question the cost when its covered by insurance and we don't see it.


It's called a "single payer" system and when Democrats introduce it they are called socialists and demonized.


They should be demonized for it. ANY insurance is a problem in healthcare. Ban it all and let the free market sort out the problems.


You fancy yourself a Libertarian? An unbridled free-market hurts the consumer. I suppose you are going to tell me that taxation is theft, right? Save that speech, it is as tired as your "free market will save the world" speech. You want a totally free market? Look at Somalia.


You don't really understand a libertarian world if you think Somalia is what it would be like. It only means a government taxes to provide the basics of protecting law and order and the borders. But if you want your socialist paradise go see how Venezuela is doing.


"family values" conservative


AM Radio listeners unite!


Isn't he sorta the same bat shit con-spiracy theorist like Alex Jones? If so, good riddance. I'm not gonna make fun of his cancer but the free market will decide.


Not quite as crazy as Alex Jones. Speaking of Jones, he has flatly admitted his show is just an act.


For legal purposes. If you watch his stuff though, and on podcasts like Joe Rogan, it's clear he believes a lot of this shit.


And that makes him pretty crazy. Gay frogs!!!!!!!!


He looked very sick tonight. I doubt he will be alive in a month.


He looked like a stepped on dog turd. What was stuck to his head? Looked like a binder clip or an antenna.


He is on death's door. I've never seen him with a beard. When I though about it I realized it's probably because his face looks so gaunt he grew a beard to cover it.


He's still really fat, shaped like a bowling pin, unless his pants were stuffed with colostemy bags.


OMG what a mental image.


It's a cochlear implant for hearing loss, dumbass, look it up.


Do you know why he needs those implants? Years of opiate addiction did that. Fuck 'em. I have all the sympathy in the world for people suffering from drug addiction but Limbaugh mocked them and vilified them while being a drug addict himself. Fuck 'em.


Are you sure it wasn't an antenna, probably his handlers telling him what to say.


He lived a year more just to spite you, and America.


You know when I read the vicious attacks put forth toward seriously ill people...🤔 my list grows longer to include people I wish were visiting the WTC on 9/11...


Get over 9/11.


"Get over" an attack that killed almost 3,000 people? And people are still dying from very rare cancers that were caused by being around ground zero. What filthy swamp did you crawl out of? Please crawl back in, your stench is very offensive.


2 things can be true. Yes all what you said happened and it was terrible. It happened nearly 20 years ago. It led to horrible decisions with long term consequences. We need to get over it and move on. I wouldn't say to Australians get over the fire disaster it's still happening but 20 years from now I'd say get over that too. Life's too short. The world moves on with or without you.


People are still dying from the attack you idiot! 18 years isn't that long, unless you're a 10 year old child which I think maybe you are. No normal, decent adult would say the crap you're saying.


I'm not talking about people still suffering from the attack. They should be given every available treatment. I'm speaking to the national mindset. The big picture.
As a country we need to get over it. It's not an easy thing to hear. I was repulsed by it myself when I first heard it. It's only in America that we hold this event so dear to our hearts. If you go outside, I'm talking as close as the UK, you'll likely hear a different take. If they're blunt enough to tell you how they really feel, they're sick of us harping on it like it was Hiroshima. Using it to influence foreign policy and dragging everyone else down with us. The 2nd Iraq war was a shameful disgraceful war of choice. Honor the victims, the survivors but not at the expense of the living through perpetual war.


estimates of dead Iraqi civilians range from 500k-1.5 million. based on a lie to get into an illegal war. ohh I forgot dead people are only bad when its Americans.


They were also brown.


Notice how they don't even talk about it anymore. they kill 100s of thousands then wonder why terrorists can easily recruit people.

if you'd ask them if china invaded the US and kill their family would they pick up arms and use guerrilla tactics they would say "ya of course!"

their cognitive dissonance is so strong.


What are you even saying? How does this have anything to do with the huge loss of life here on 9/11 in which brown people, white people, black people, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Asians, were killed in a horrific attack?


I'm simply agreeing with Jlaws that an illegal war waged by the U.S. killed a million civilians and people should acknowledge that and realize these actions have reactions. 9/11 was tragic. So was what happened in Iraq, and that was on a much larger scale.


The difference in Iraq is that Americans didn't go in with the intention of killing innocents. Civilian casualties are horrible and should never happen but it's one of the things that makes war so horrible. The US military was looking for Hussein and terrorists who had weapons of mass destruction and the last thing we wanted was another 9/11! Hussein had already gassed his own people.

And your comment about "brown" was really uncalled for!


The Iraq war was not retaliation for 9/11.


Yes I misspoke and corrected my post.


Lol so you also misspoke then that he had WMD, and that al qaeda has WMDs. literally nothing you wrote made any sense and seemed to be one big "misspoken" mess.


Friendly reminder that Iraq used chemical weapons on the Kurds. That is what instigated the war. Chemical weapons are WMDs. The lack of them there after months of warning does not erase the globally known fact that they used them and produced no evidence of having disposed of them as per their surrender terms.


friendly reminder that it was well known no WMDs were found.

"A year later, the United States Senate officially released the Senate Report of Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq which concluded that many of the Bush Administration's pre-war statements about Iraqi WMD were misleading and not supported by the underlying intelligence. United States-led inspections later found that Iraq had earlier ceased active WMD production and stockpiling; the war was called by many, including 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain in a memoir, a "mistake".[1]"

lol wait wait.. you are telling me. that the use of chemical weapons on the Kurdish what instigated the 2003 Iraq War??


"The lack of them there after months of warning does not erase the globally known fact that they used them and produced no evidence of having disposed of them as per their surrender terms."

Theres no evidence after the taking of Iraq that any were there.

friendly reminder that Bush had to set up a new task force because the CIA wouldn't back up his lie about Saddam and 9/11. and they tortured someone they knew didn't know anything about that (since it didn't happen) to sue that as justification.

Yet again. You are too damn stupid Anubis. based on what ive seen you do here. Whats it like to be a constant failure in life? constantly self owning and face planting every time you make the tiniest bit of effort?

You are a loser. you always will be.


Why must you be so insulting? You could have voiced your opinions with more class.


Im sorry someone as stupid as you deserves no respect. bye loser


You go nuclear so fast, it's ridiculous.


in other words "I can't address a single point, I keep spreading chicken hawk republican propaganda. the US army doesn't support opinion about made-up imaginary WMD's"

lol you really just said the 2000s invasion was due to Kurds being gassed. you are a god damn idiot.


Your rage makes it difficult for you to participate in a civilized manner.
The Kurds getting gassed is why we invaded in 1991. The terms of surrender dictated that they dispose of their WMDs (the gas that they JUST USED) and provide proof. They never proved that they disposed of them. We knew they had them because THEY USED THEM. After months warning and various satellite views of tons of stuff moved from the places due for inspection, we found no evidence of any WMDs left. Only spotless, recently sterilized facilities that could have been for production.

I'm no Bush fan. I just remember the facts since I watched the news closely at the time.

Try to be calm. You can disagree and/or be ultra partisan without being insulting and unhinged.


I'm no Bush fan. I just remember the facts since I watched the news closely at the time.

I gave you articles. you spout bush talking points. Lol you ar sad man. what's it like being a constant loser in life?


THe topic was the 2003 invasion of Iraq. NOT 1991. you randomly talk about the Kurds as the reason. finally you've tried to elaborate.

THERE WERE NO WMD's. you fucking idiot. again you are a loser. Show me the evidence?


"CIA officer who interrogated Saddam Hussein says there were clearly no WMDs in Iraq"

"It is often said, sometimes with dubious authority, that Baghdad never cooperated in the UN quest to account for its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. In fact, that is not entirely correct. Immediately following the termination of hostilities in 1991, Iraq did cooperate in a significant fashion. Not only did Iraq turn over militarily significant holdings of weapons of mass destruction to the United Nations as instructed, but it also participated effectively in a follow-on destruction process. The destruction of proscribed weapons and of associated facilities was carried out mainly by Iraq but under constant supervision by UNSCOM and the IAEA. Data from the archives in New York bear out the contention that UN inspectors proved to be extremely successful in effectively accounting for the disposition and ultimate destruction of nuclear materials and associated facilities as well as of proscribed missiles and of chemical weapons.

By the mid-1990s, significant quantities of Iraq’s nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs had been destroyed or rendered harmless under UN supervision."

Do your parents constantly look at you desperately. wondering what it would be like to not have a retarded burden child? what's retardation like?


It was sold to the American public as just that!!!!


They lied to start the war and knowingly illegally invaded another country. civilians die when you fight wars. that's like saying "I went in the store and started shooting. I didn't intend to kill people! I was just shooting around me"

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. in fact he tortured al qaeda members and possibly worked with US intelligence to fight them in some narrow instances.

lol Hussein never had WMD's. nor did al Qaeda.

are you seriously a grown person in 2020 who still believes WMD's existed and Saddam was part of 9/11?


What the hell are you even talking about? I think you're in the wrong conversation.


Nope right place. im pointing out the irony and dissonance that many have. that they consider 9/11 to be a horrible event and tragedy (which it was) but ignore that the usa killed 100s of thousands of innocent civilians based on a lie and don't care about that


Saddam Hussein killed more of his own people than anyone else! Are you trying to say that Iraq was better off with a man who gassed his own people??


"Saddam Hussein killed more of his own people than anyone else!"

"the total number of deaths related to torture and murder during this period are unknown, but generally estimated to be around 250,000"

No he didn't. 250k is less than the low estimates of dead which go all the way up to over 1 million the USA killed.

no one is saying Saddam is good. but its a fact the usa killed these people and destabilized the region and DIRECTLY led to the creation of ISIS.

but again you are slow so you think the world is black and white.


And if the US didn't go in and take out Hussein, I'm sure he would have killed many more people, he was evil. But that's OK with you, right. We should have let him alone so he could gas more people.

I think you're the slow one.


Saddam took power in 1976 til 2003. in 27 years he killed 250k people.

but of course "And if the US didn't go in and take out Hussein, I'm sure he would have killed many more people, he was evil"

LOl im sure you can see in the future. he killed 250k but was about to kill a lot more any day now?

Also we don't need to wonder what Saddam would of done. the USA went in and in 16 years has killed depending on estimates 2X to 6X as many people

so if Saddam killing 250k was evil what does that make the USA?

man you are truly the dumbest person I have talked to on her. krl97a is an extremist idiot. but you make him look like Albert Einstein in comparison


Fucking hell you are stupid.


Why are you such an angry person? I never insulted you during this discussion. We might not have agreed with each other and I told you that one of your comments was uncalled for, but I never insulted you.

9/11 might not have affected you or any of your loved ones but there are people still dying from it and people still losing loved ones to it. You should consider yourself lucky if it did not affect you and try to have compassion for those who have suffered and continue to suffer from this horrible attack.


Because you are still acting like the Iraq war wasn't a mistake. I knew it was a mistake at the time. If you don't realize in hindsight that it was a mistake then you are dumb.

I'm not angry, btw, it's just frustrating that people like you exist. The reason Bush and Cheney and co. were able to sell that war is because of people like you.


I do think it was a mistake but I also feel that the world is a better place without the evil Hussein. Someone that evil would only cause more death at one point. To think he wouldn't is very naive. We got bad intel at the time but it certainly wasn't planned to just go over and kill civilians. A lot of our people were also killed! Part of the issue with my response last night was that I was angry this was even brought up in a discussion about 9/11. I shouldn't have even responded to such an off topic comment and that was my mistake.

Frustrating that people like me exist? Wow, that's really very nasty, you just can't seem to help yourself.


If he was so evil what does that make America? America brought more death to that land than Saddam did.

The Iraq war should never happen. There is a lot of evil in this world. That doesn't mean I am OK with sending young Americans to god-knows-where to fight a war.

You don't sound stable at all.


I'm talking in hindsight I realize it was a mistake. At the time we thought the intel was good. And, again, Hussein is gone which is not a bad thing.

If I don't sound stable then don't reply to me anymore, make it easy on yourself. Don't bother trying to have a discussion with an unstable person 🙄


My job deals with people with varying degrees of mental illness. The fact that you may be unstable does not preclude you from having a meaningful conversation.

I'm glad you said the Iraq war was a mistake. You were trying to justify a mistake earlier. This is where I tell my patients that there is no justification for a mistake. A mistake is a mistake. Learn from it and move on.


🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪


The only shame is when you refuse to accept help. I'm praying for you.




As soon as that statue of Saddam was pulled down by the Iraqis and no WMDs found, we should have packed up and got the hell out of there! It wasn’t just Bush, Cheney, Powell, etc. The Dems believed it also. We were given bad info.

From Hillary:
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security.”

Please read the following with an open mind.
“Show This Column to Anyone Who Claims Bush Lied about WMDs in Iraq”



Now Mr. or is it Dr. Buck, would you talk to one of your patients in such a manner? I take it you are at least a psychologist, so shouldn’t you have more patience with folks?


It's called shock therapy. When a person is so far deep into psychosis the therapist needs to "shock" the individual by being brutally honest. It is only used in extreme cases, when all other means to treat have been exhausted.


Tell that to the victims' families, dkhead.


What's been vicious?


You seem like an unhappy and bitter person. In the 90's I listened to Rush, Michael Weiner, that Reagan kid, and the more I listened the unhappier I became. One day my wife pointed it out and smartly I listened and turned off the radio. Within weeks my mood improved, within months I was almost my happy go lucky self again. Not only did my mood improve but I realized the negativity and perpetual crises weren't real, just a way to manipulate my thinking, and my voting. I hope you can turn off the radio, news networks, FB, stop looking for problems and look at the world for what it is, not what they scare you it is.


I could see that. constant fear mongering, constant enforcing of siege mentality, constant riling up and insane over the top rhetoric.

consuming some news is good. but most of the talk show radio especially is vitriolic and based on the things I mentioned above. plus part of being the "in group" who knows what is "really wrong with America" and the announcer in his "justified rage" just reinforces your manufactured anger


I haven’t listened to Rush or the radio in years. I walk away from the news because it can get you down. How you came to the conclusion I’m an unhappy & bitter person is beyond me! Me? When you write such hateful tripe about a person dying of cancer. You should be so lucky! Hmm?

As per you:

“He looked like a stepped on dog turd. What was stuck to his head? Looked like a binder clip or an antenna.”
“He's still really fat, shaped like a bowling pin, unless his pants were stuffed with colostemy bags.”
BTW, it’s spelled COLOSTOMY!


his diagnosis is proof god exists


I thought you were an atheist! There’s no hope for people like you...happy someone is dying of cancer. God does exist so maybe someday you’ll get the same diagnosis. Be careful what you’re happy may receive the same gift. 😏


read 2 centimetres down. lol that was hard for you?

yaaa how horrible of me that I don't care a horrible person is dying. did you cry when the leader of north Korea died too?

hahahahahaahhahahahahaha. your fairy tale doesn't exist. lol your religion is made up. grow up


The bitterness is strong.


nah its called Schadenfreude. you can't even used words correctly. bitterness means "anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly"

am I supposed to argue with someone who didn't even finish high school?


Wishing more Americans would die is exactly the kind of thing bitter, unhappy dittos say.


No, just those who are so full of hate for someone they disagree with and jovial about that person dying from cancer. Haters gotta hate and spread discord and lies about others. I have no use for those haters who are jumping with joy over someone dying of cancer. You’re damn right I’m bitter at those of you who write vile, venomous remarks about conservatives. As per so many of you we are cult like, we are frauds...but, understand this...we are your neighbors. We are ones to come to your aid if needed. We are members of your families. We are just human beings who would attempt to rescue you from an accident without asking you your political beliefs.

I disagreed completely with Obama in all ways, disliked him, but would never be joyful if he came down with a terminal illness. He & Michelle have two beautiful daughters. I would never say disparaging remarks about them the way you people have about Barron Trump. All of you libs are so full of vitriol against those who vote differently from you. Have you no shame? How bitter you are over an election which didn’t meet your expectations. Pitiful! Just damn pitiful!


no its the irony and disgusting hypocrisy double standard that Rush Limbaugh actively fought against universal healthcare and affordable drug prices. and that millions have experienced his fate because republican (and democratic) politicians as well as scumbag fear mongers like him have fought his whole life against Americans getting treated like basic humans. and only reserving the best healthcare for themselves, the rich.

that's the problem


What I said, you are wishing Americans would die. Hypocrite much? That's all that bitterness from listening to the Ditto anger machine.



Im an atheist but I guess there is a god after all :)


You'll be joining Rush in meeting him one day soon. No one lives forever.


yaa everyone dies? and?? so I guess its okay he's a horrible scumbag?


Rush or god, is the horrible scumbag.
