MovieChat Forums > Damian Lewis Discussion > Damien for James Bond

Damien for James Bond

Lets face it, he fits it nicely. He's bad-ass in practically all of his military roles (Band of Brothers, Homeland) and he's British. And if the Broccolis could cast an uncharismatic, craggy faced actor to play the current interpretation of Bond, i don't see how casting a suave(and handsome)red-head with some excellent acting chops would hurt much.


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I like that idea


As an American, so do I!


Too old.

Let's find a guy in his late twenties when Craig's put the smoking to rest.


hhmm..i think it's not a good idea because Damian too tiny and too nice to be the Bond. He's not like Daniel Craig or Pierce Brosnan,,he's same with Simon Pegg or Martin Freeman, they're the cute actors :)


NOOO>>let's "not face something you want because you LIKE DAMIEN LEWIS!" He fits nowhere and not at all! It's like casting Oscar Wilde in the Third Grade! (name origin of quote and gets you props).

Lewis as "American"; as...oh...I don't know...pudding pie? WE DON'T HAVE PUDDING PIE! As "bad ass"; (HUH?) as a decrepit 70's action figure making a comeback, annnnd He's British*..uh..aren't there a SLEEEWWW of Brit actors who can wipe him off the stage with a glance (we'll skip Craig since he's been there):

*Or Australian, New Zealander, Canadian or any country.

- (Brilliant Shakespearean): Ewan Macgregor (aka: Obi Wan Kenobi)
- Brilliant action and romantic heroes - Russell Crowe (I hate him but he'd do as Soames because he's so dislikable!).
- I hate to say this---really I do because i love this guy, but he could do it because HE IS TALENTED, unlike DL! Hugh Grant, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Jackman!

- None of the above? FINE! Then use Tom Hanks! Can he play a marital rapist like Soames Forsyte? DOUBTFUL!!! Lewis could, but that's about it.

Just not Damien anything else, would be my preference.

She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.


How many Commanders in the British navy are in their late 20s?
