MovieChat Forums > Eugene Levy Discussion > Favourite Eugene Levy Film?

Favourite Eugene Levy Film?

What is everyone's favourite Eugene Levy film? Personally I like "A Mighty Wind" the best: It may not be his funniest performance, but it is certainly his most layered and touching.

Who knew that "Jim's Dad" could break your heart.


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I'm surprised there aren't more people here, becaue Levy is one of the most consistently funny comedians working today. My favorite Levy film is Best In Show, simply for every perfectly timed expression his face makes.

"It's not what you think you are, it's what you know you are."


I gotta go with the masses and say the American Pie series....he's just so dry and humorless that its funny....during times where he should be embarressed like Jim he's calm cool and collected....its just funny hearing him talk about masterbation and sex with such a monotonous tone...he's so funny cause like most parents...he has no idea what his kid knows about sex and he's honestly trying to teach him things that he already knows

dont knock masterbation....its sex with someone i love


I love him in Waiting For Guffman

"Medicine man not go near dances with stumpy!"


I'd say Bringing Down the House. Such a fantastic and innovative film only comes along once in a lifetime, and I'm proud that he took that opportunity to reveal the pinnacle of his acting and comedy talent.


glennrehn sez:

"I'd say Bringing Down the House. Such a fantastic and innovative film only comes along once in a lifetime, and I'm proud that he took that opportunity to reveal the pinnacle of his acting and comedy talent. "

It does have a pretty good performance by Levy, but I fail to see how this film is either inovative or fantastic.


"It does have a pretty good performance by Levy, but I fail to see how this film is either inovative or fantastic."

Double layered subtlety or just another American Pie fan? You be the judge!


I am gonna hafta go with A Mighty Wind.....He and Catherine O'Hara made such a good duo, their singing was awesome! He also good in Best in Show and Waiting for Guffman....I can't decide...He is just soo good in everything!!! :)

"I feel ready for whatever the experience is that we will... take with us after the show. I'm sure it will be... an adventure... a voyage on this... magnificent vessel... into unchartered waters! What if we see sailfish... jumping... and flying across the magnificent orb of a setting sun?"
