

Bet the feeling isn't mutual.

There, I said it.




Millions more do actually. Don’t let the false news-loving incels that troll the entire internet make you think you’re in the minority or something (they’re the ones who represent a very loud but oh so small and pathethic crowd... and they know it).

Brie and the many high profile actors that don’t preach backward values are not going anywhere. Love her.


Why do you love her?

We know you don't. You're just counter-signaling. Disney played you good. Disney could have picked any woman off the street, paid her 50 cents, and said "Here's your new flying mommy".


Why do you suppose none of the other female actors in the MCU don't get the flack that Brie does? It ain't because they just decided to randomly hate a female, its because she has a unlikable personality, and she's a mediocre actress at best.


I like Brie Larson too. And so do millions of others. You don’t make a movie that makes over a billion and not be well liked. Or the crowd cheers when come of the screen in Endgame. A lot of people think just because a few youtubers with a small following hate Brie Larson for clicks that the whole world hates her.


Thats not really true. Lots of financially successful stars have let their personal views and attitudes affect their careers, despite making profitable movies. Ask Will Smith how the last 8 years have been, or Megan Fox or Katherine Heigl or Chevy Chase.


I see what you are saying. Unless Brie comes off hard to work with or her her movie bombs it’s yet to be seen.


She might just be making a huge gamble, and knows that she is appealing to a certain group that will keep her in movies, and she might be right in todays social climate. Time will tell.


I think Brie will be alright. Outside the Marvel movies I don’t see Brie being a big blockbuster star.


I like her in the sense that she's hot. But I would also like her to keep her mouth shut.


I liked her in Room and Short Term 12 but I think she's a bad fit for this franchise. They needed a bigger than life personality with lots of charisma to follow what's been lost.
And that's just not her.

As far as the visceral hatred for the things she said...well, even if taken out of context I don't think what she said and how she said it was very wise.. I don't hate her for it but her manner of saying it is pretty unlikable ..

I do think she's infected with that suddenly rich, famous and self importantly entitled bug that is just so unappealing. No one elects these people as spokespeople to represent anyone and being rich and famous doesn't suddenly make someone smarter than the rest of us..
If someone really wants to make a positive difference than give it a little thought first and don't do it by grandstanding.


Nothing wrong with it. There's quite a few weird fetishes out there. I mean, there's people who fantasize with banging dogs, or dead bodies, and fantasizing about banging Brie Larson is not much worse than that.




I like her too.


Same. I don't always agree with her opinions - I still think A Wrinkle In Time was a garbage film no matter who reviewed it, though I do get her point. But I still like her.
