MovieChat Forums > Brie Larson Discussion > I haven't been this proud for an actor's...

I haven't been this proud for an actor's Oscar win since Heath Ledger

With other Oscar winners, I know they were great and I know they deserved it, but the performances that surprise me and MOVE me the most, are the ones I'm most proud of when they win. Because she put so much heart and soul into this performance. And it was the type of role that would only win if she was REALLY good, since it's a fictional drama and not a biopic or a film about an culturally significant topic, where she plays either a real life person or a lesbian or a nobody fighting for equal rights or something. Same with Ledger in The Dark Knight. He won for a freakin COMIC BOOK MOVIE. And that says something about how good they both were for them to choose them.


Amazing performance by a fantastic person. Excited to see your future films starting with Kong:Skull Island! Long career ahead!!!???


Agree. I was hoping and hoping for her to win, but she had a hard competition. It was fantastic when they said her name!


I was rooting for her here in Sweden and I hadn't even seen Room yet. I just loved her in United States of Tara and Trainwreck, and I instinctively knew back then she was going places.
Saw Room yesterday and I was blown away. Her performance was flawless and so intense that her emotions went through the screen and straight into my heart. She really hit the spot on how being a mother makes you both vulnerable and immortal at the same time.
No one deserved that award more than she did. Period.


Been a massive fan for years, Brie Larson is my favorite actor. I saw ROOM before most people did. It was one of my most anticipated films of 2015, and that & Short Term 12 are 2 of my favorite films. She gave BEYOND INCREDIBLE, PHENOMENAL performances in both. Anyway, that Oscar was OVERDUE. No one deserved it EXCEPT BRIE. Can't believe it took THIS LONG for her to finally get some recognition.

Brie Larson was so underused in Trainwreck. She didn't have the chance to really put on a performance, nor did she get to use her comedic talents. Brie was to Trainwreck as Bradley Cooper was to Joy. Trainwreck wasn't a really great film anyway. It was very good, but the script and characters needed work. In terms of comedies, Brie was able to put on more of a comedic performance as Molly Tracey in 21 Jump Street, her show stealing performance as Envy Adams in Scott Pilgrim VS the World, and like you mentioned, her scene stealing performance as Kate Gregson in United States of Tara.

Brie Larson will be an INCREDIBLE Captain Marvel.
