MovieChat Forums > Shia LaBeouf Discussion > Wow, I just saw the video!

Wow, I just saw the video!

I don't like him even more now!


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He's a nut.


He lost his mind awhile ago. With that paper bag stunt. Only child syndrome.


I thought his stunts were all just self promotion, now I realize he's actually got some sort of mental disease.


The guy kept saying 1488 look it up its the 14 words of white supremacist and 88 is 8 for H for the 8th letter in the alphabet so H H meaning Heil Hitler. That's good he screamed at the guy. Promoting hate and hate against Jews.


That has always been one of the dumbest codes in mankind's history. Why don't they shoot themselves in the head like their failed leader?

Your cute 🐈 will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's
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Agreed Shia ruined his career and I forward the video to Disney and i will be forwarding his videos to other affiliates as well and get him off never working in the movie industries again. He's not allowed.
