MovieChat Forums > Shia LaBeouf Discussion > Always trying too hard.

Always trying too hard.

I like Shia LaBeouf. But my god does this dude go OTT with everything.

- Cuts his face open to have a genuine bloody cheek on Fury. The scar is now permanent and noticeable.
- Makes statements ranging from the cryptic ("I am not famous anymore") to the empty ("I am retiring from all public life.") in an attempt to be mysterious and elusive, when this is the guy who was Sam Witwicky not that long ago. We're not gonna buy you as a David Lynch personality this early.
- Quotes Eric Catrona at a press conference and walks off. The quote was used in context to denegrate the press... while baiting the press.
- Rents a movie theater to watch all his movies back-to-back with an audience in an openly narcissistic act, when he could just do this at home and have the same introspection.
- Live streams himself in an elevator (this one was particularly pointless).
- Goes on road trips with strangers "to make friends" (but doesn't get anyones numbers or contacts afterwards).
- "Freestyles" premeditated rhymes on The Breakfast Club and has been on a wigga kick ever since, using hip hop slang everytime he opens his mouth.
- #hewillnotdevideus is pointless, fruitless and ultimately a giant contradiction. I agree with the sentiment but in practise it's just a bunch of people chanting mindlessly, wanting to hang out with Shia LaBeouf and show-off to a camera for a while. It's about as productive as when you see a street preacher screaming bible verses to passing traffic. Then you have the insidious aspect, where you're watching people violently scream a chant at the opposition, which is keeping the division alive with oppressive mob mentality.

As we know, there's plenty more antics but my point is that at 30 years old, he still acting like a rich kid who can do whatever he wants and what he's doing with his time & money is completely self-serving and in some cases, harmful to himself & now maybe others.
