MovieChat Forums > Shia LaBeouf Discussion > Why doesn't he get leading roles in big ...

Why doesn't he get leading roles in big budget movies anymore?

Did he piss off someone?


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He's not really into making big popcorn movies anymore (the Transformers and Indiana Jones films put him off) and has been on a pursuit of becoming a "real actor" for the last few years. Mind you, he wanted to do Suicide Squad (cause he wanted to work with David Ayer again) but Warner Bros declined him. So I assume he'll be in big studio films again, it just has to be the right fit.


He more than likely doesn't seek those roles out and probably turns them down when presented.


Because the kid went off the deep-end a few years ago and has never really recovered from it socially. It was a very public ordeal --- just do a google search for accuracy. I'm just highlighting a few below:

He was found plagiarizing other peoples work, or some sort, then he spiraled out of control. Had the public degrade him while he wore a bag over his head; did a bunch of strange youtube videos; claimed a woman raped him in 2014; ran into a series of arrests revolving around assault and violence...

Ultimately, he sort of lost it mentally. Whether it was an act, or a cry for attention, or just a kid who grew up in the spotlight not knowing how to handle his 20's to 30's, who knows. But all of that has hurt his credibility in Hollywood. He's like a noxious wound that only time can heal.


Because he was a Disney star.


After Transformers 3, he said he will be avoiding blockbuster movies.


Because he is not a good actor?! IMHO :D

America 1st!


Because he is a unforgettable actor. He does not have acting skills to carry off
a serious movie...
