MovieChat Forums > Jimmy Kimmel Discussion > I love Jimmy Kimmel

I love Jimmy Kimmel

He's funny, classy, he actually has a brain. He is a million times funnier than that idiot Jimmy Fallon. I'd like to see him take over for Letterman when Dave retires.

Down with Fallon and Leno! Kimmel rules!


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I agree with you about him being funny and smart, although I think he may be uncomfortable with being called, classy. LOL! Even though in "real" life, I'm pretty positive he's very much a class act type of guy. My husband and I watch Jimmy Kimmel all the time and he always makes us laugh! I wish he would start doing more "Little Jimmy" skits. They were too funny.

I like Jimmy Fallon as well and also think he's a very funny and talented guy.

"No Matter How Cold The Winter, There's A Springtime Ahead."
Eddie Vedder - Thumbing My Way


I loooooooove Kimmel. but I disagree about Fallon. I think they are both fantastic and just today I was thinking how lucky I am that I can watch them back to back now, not losing out on any.

They are both very strong. great monologues and interview skills. Fallon is hysterical as impersonator. Kimmel is just smart and humane and non-judgmental.
easy going. We are LUCKY to have these two. (and Jon Stewart)
