MovieChat Forums > Jimmy Kimmel Discussion > Conan's fanboys need to get over it, Kim...

Conan's fanboys need to get over it, Kimmel included.

Of all the stupid crap to hold grudges over, seriously. Conan got more money out of that whole deal than any of his Team Coco doofuses will ever see, but they weep for what happened to him like it was some tragedy. The guy has a show and a buttload of money, yeah he really got screwed over! Grow up. Especially Kimmel, trying so hard to be cool.


I COMPLETELY agree with you. I used to like Kimmel, but after hearing of his negative comments about Leno, I am disgusted with him. You are so right: Conan got a ton of money after losing the show that he stole from Len in the first place! (Let's see how many Coco fans send me hate responses for saying that!) Why didn't Kimmel bash NBC who made the decision to get rid of Conan? Conan couldn't deliver at the 11:30 time slot, and Leno jumped at the chance to return because he never wanted to leave in the first place. So what? I remember Leno having Conan on his show after the transition was announced for Conan to take over, and Leno was very gracious. Of course he was probably very upset and angry about it—HE WAS BEING FORCED OUT—but he was decent and gracious to Conan on the show--even it was not completely genuine. I can't imagine Conan OR Kimmel would do the same. I mean, think about it: Conan took the show when it was obvious Jay didn't want to leave. That speaks volumes about Conan's character. But of course Kimmel doesn't see it that way because as far as he's concerned, his beloved Coco can do no wrong. I am not a huge Leno fan, but I call it as I see it. Something tells me there is more baggage between Kimmel and Leno for Kimmel to blast him so severely, but I don't care. It's not cool to publicly do that when Leno didn't really do anything wrong. Kimmel really showed how classless he is for those nasty comments about Leno. If he had any balls, he would have criticized NBC--not Leno. I'm done with the jerk.


Why didn't Kimmel bash NBC?

Because Kimmel doesn't like Jay Leno, who beats both he and Jimmy's comedy hero, Dave Letterman, in the ratings.

Conan couldn't deliver at the 11:30 time slot, and Leno jumped at the chance to return because he never wanted to leave in the first place. So what? I remember Leno having Conan on his show after the transition was announced for Conan to take over, and Leno was very gracious. Of course he was probably very upset and angry about it—HE WAS BEING FORCED OUT—but he was decent and gracious to Conan on the show--even it was not completely genuine.

Yes, Jay could've said to the world "NBC is firing me so they can give my job to a younger guy". But he didn't. So Conan didn't end up looking like an ambitious Eve Harrington-type in the eyes of the media. Mind you, Conan almost certainly wasn't told what NBC did in order to keep him with the network, but I doubt that would've mattered at the time. As we see with the Jay Haters, some people don't need facts to judge; they'll happily accept suspicion and allegation as truth, and attack. Jay kinda saved Conan's butt by keeping his true feelings to himself.

Kimmel really showed how classless he is for those nasty comments about Leno. If he had any balls, he would have criticized NBC--not Leno.

And after he felt it was so wrong for Jay to bump "The Tonight Show" 30 minutes, we now see ABC is bumping the tv news institution "Nightline" an entire hour later into the night so Jimmy can start earlier. Is Jimmy turning it down out of deference to the staff of "Nightline"? Nope. Is there a difference in what NBC wanted to do with "The Tonight Show" and what ABC IS doing to "Nightline"? Doesn't seem to be. So is Jimmy displaying a huge double standard by going along with this time switch? Sure looks like it.


Did you read The War for Late Night? If so, then you know why Kimmel hates Leno. It was because of Leno's behavior during the time ABC considered hiring him. Kimmel made disparaging comments about Leno even before his show premiered in 2003. ("I want to do the comedy version of The Tonight Show", "It's just amazing how insecure he is.") The whole Conan thing just intensified Kimmel's dislike of him.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.


I'm well aware Kimmel was a HUGE Letterman fan. Before he even got into television, Kimmel reportedly knew the names of all of Dave's "Late Night" writing staff, and would kinda stalk them like Rosie O'Donnell outside a theatre where "Evita" was performing. There's little doubt that part of his dislike for Jay stems from Dave, his comedy hero, not getting "The Tonight Show" because NBC preferred Jay. As for ABC courting Jay, in the end he did turn down the offer, which meant Kimmel and "Nightline" didn't have to be bumped. Now Jimmy gets to be the one who bumps "Nightline".


they seemed to be getting a long for a couple of years they kept on being guests on each others show


It seems like you aren't over it I don't see any recent posts talking about this topic.



Conan and Craig are the best in the biz.

Kimmel has to rely on his technical team to get laughs.
