MovieChat Forums > Anna Kendrick Discussion > Could Squirrel Girl happen?

Could Squirrel Girl happen?

Do you think she has enough star power, and is the fan-base big enough, to get The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: the Movie, up and running from the ground up just like Ryan Reynolds with Deadpool?

I'd love to see it happen. Can tweets makes movies happen?


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I'm sure Kendrick has the star power to pull off being a superhero...but Squirrel Girl?? Come on, I know Ant-Man was a surprise hit but I'd think even Marvel would have limits as to how far they could go in the MCU. Some characters just don't feel like they would work on the big screen. But what do I know?


 she would be perfect for the role.


She's nowhere close to being an A lister. She's just a mediocre actress with giant buck teeth that lucked into roles in a few movies that did well.


She's had enough box-office success, presence on social media, and an Oscar nomination that have cemented her on the A-list for now. This is coming from someone who is not a particular fan of hers. It would be subjective and dishonest to say she's not an A-lister when her coworkers are A-list actors (not every film, though).


Then your assumption that it "wouldn't happen" with her is just as improbable if it all comes down to luck.
As an actress, she's had some pretty great luck - better than most. We'll see what happens.
