Creepiest man on TV

Kartheiser's smarmy, baby-thug Pete Campbell gives me the willies, but I have to admit, he's the one I turn on the TV for.



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I don't know why you think he's creep. I think he's smokin' hot.


Me too! I love Pete, but he is really nutty. To little love and nurturing I guess.
And Vincent Kartheiser is brilliant.


he is creepy. this is probably due to his expanding waistline.


yeah he is smarmy and an bastard but that isnt all.he isnt infallible. he tries to seem like the alpha dog but he isnt and he gets told it everyday. only his minions give him support (kind of,the bad kind) the secretary( the good kind).

i think we are meant to see how he is compromised at every turn. he could become an almost iago type character.

i feel pity for him more than any thing else.


I guess i need my eyes checked cuz he looks great to me. Call me crazy but he looks very attractive!
But he is such a talented actor his weight doesn't impact his performance one iota to me!

Karma's a bizzle.


I think that when he's on Mad Men he's kinda strange looking but on Angel I think he is the hottest man ALIVE.


I don't really like his hair on Mad Men and I don't think they light him properly either. Other than that he still looks HOT to me. When I watch the episodes on my iPod I just put my thumb over his hair. LOL
