MovieChat Forums > Toby Jones Discussion > Good Penguin in Batman...

Good Penguin in Batman...

In the Nolan movies, Yes/No/Maybe???

"A film is never really any good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet."


I'd prefer him as Mad Hatter with Paul Giamatti as the Penguin. Though I would still scream YES if he were cast as Penguin.

SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain thinks biscuits are racist, homophobic and sublimely stupid.


OHHHH, I just said this not 5 minutes before reading this.


HEEY u guys stole my idea!

Tobey Jones - The Penguin




My total posts= 164.


I also thought of him as the next Batman villain right away, but not as the Penguin, but as the Ventriloquist, Arnold Wesker. That character would fit in more neatly with the new franchise than the Penguin. Giamatti would be pretty good for the Ventriloquist, too.


I really think the Mad Hatter would fit Perfectly in Nolan's world, moreso than Penguin or Ventriloquist


You beat me to it. I was going to say that Nolan likes to use British actors for American roles, and Toby's done American before. I think he'd be perfect.


I can't believe that Nolan thinks the Penguin couldn't fit into the current vision of Batman. He could easily be a well dressed gangster who may walk in a strange way or just has the nickname 'penguin.' It would be quite a straightforward villian.
