MovieChat Forums > Felicity Jones Discussion > Jyn Erso in ROGUE ONE

Jyn Erso in ROGUE ONE

Well done. Loved the movie Rogue One and loved your performance as Jyn Erso this stand alone Star Wars movie is awesome and now ranked up there on parr for myself with the Original trilogy.

Much better than last years cheesy-mediocre The Force Awakens and the Prequel trilogy.

Kudo's again Felicity Jones you brought heart and soul back to Star Wars again as did all the cast, story, direction and VFX so thank you.

Well done,
May the Force be with YOU !

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


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I agree. She was wonderful in Rouge One. Its The best Star Wars movie I've seen. She was also very good in Inferno with Tom Hanks. She is so beautiful.


Loved her as Jyn. Did she and Cassian die at the beach at the end or did someone pick them up and take them back to the rebel alliance HQs?


An angel went to force heaven at the end of the movie.
