Sons of Anarchy

Oh my goodness! I didn't even recognize Ryan and I have seen him in many other projects. It's just a little mind-boggling to me... maybe it's the full beard.


Yeah, me too.


When I saw him on the show I knew him almost right away from his role in the Postman.


I wasn't watching the tv when he appeared on the first episode of Sons of Anarchy, but I recognised the voice of Jimmy McGloin straight away! Man, I loved Wanted...

It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


Yea i didnt recognize him at all, and then one day "Remember the Titans" came on and I said he looks familar. Sure enough it was him...god this show is badass and I cant wait for the seconds season this fall.

I...Drink...your...MILKSHAKE!!! I DRINK IT UP!!!


I loved him as Michael Benoit in Medium and when I saw his name in the cast list for SoA I was pleased to be able to watch him in something else. But it took me a little while to realise he was Opie!


me too i was like HIS OPIE!!! lol i am glad im not the only one

Sheldon: I'm not insane! My mother had me tested!


Holy crap I just realized today that Opie and Gerry Bertier from Remember the Titans are one and the same. This is insane, I could never recognize him before.


Incredible actor!
