MovieChat Forums > Bryce Dallas Howard Discussion > Shes the queen of bad summer movies

Shes the queen of bad summer movies

Spiderman 3, terminator salvation, now this new jurassic world Turd.

Shes been in alot of other bad movies but wow she is like the summer turd queen


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"The New Jurassic World Gem." There. I fixed it for you.

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OP hasn't fixed the typo yet.


Jurassic World was amazing. Howard's performance was Oscar worthy IMO.


It wasn't even close to amazing. It has some fun moments but it didn't build and sustain tension the way the original did. And the ending was laughably bad.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


You're wrong on all accounts.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


This would hold a lot more weight if Jurassic World wasn't a pretty good movie.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! These are the IMDB Boards!"


From everything i've read. It seems like people are hating JW because it wasn't 'exactly' like the first one.
