MovieChat Forums > Bryce Dallas Howard Discussion > Ron Howard's daughter....

Ron Howard's daughter....

Did not know this! What an incredible performance she gave in The Help. So good that I despised the character she portrayed.

Job well done Ms. Howard!


That's how she gets her roles. People wanting to keep her daddy on their good side.

Kay C


You sir are a nothing more then just a jealous idiot who enjoys wasting his time on the internet bashing people actually doing stuff with their life.


You act like Ron Howard was the president of Hollywood.


Actually, it's ma'am. Rarely on internet, not jealous by any means. I see something, I state it.
Kay C


He has a lot of friends and carries a lot of clout and there are people willing to do favors for him which include hiring his talentless daughter.

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


She was great as Hilly in The Help. I think that is her best role, and she did make you despise her too.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


Yeah she was great in the help. If you're going to accuse people of being talentless and only getting hired because of relatives in the industry, you picked the wrong one.


^ This guy gets it..
