MovieChat Forums > Bryce Dallas Howard Discussion > No one comments on her ACTING

No one comments on her ACTING

All these message boards are about how pretty/hot/sexy/etc she is or how she can run in heels (which is a MOVIE and has many takes and practice). I thought that the woman on a talk show host who used the simply fit board in super high heels that, THAT was impressive because that was live TV and she was off the ground with no support team.

If you remove that sudden and constant response of her looks... what acting abilities does she have? Very little.

She was so flat throughout the Jurrasic World movie. I just hated her presence whenever she was in it and the commercials for her other movies and her scenes just look... rough.


I don't ever see this girl getting a Oscar in this lifetime. One thing I do think that she will have a long career ahead of her. Not based on her fine lovely good looks but the fact she's a third generation Howard. Also let's note her daddy is Opie Taylor aka Richie Cunningham aka Ron Howard the Director. Now if this isn't job security what the hell is.


I'd do her. And Jurassic World is an awful movie. With or without that scene. Hope that helps.
i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now
