Character on TWD

I gave up on the show mid-way through season 2 when it became apparent that the show was going to be soap opera drama set in a post apocalyptic setting and nothing more.

But considering how successful the show has been, why did they remove her character? Did she get tired of the series and wanted to move on to something else? Or was there a personal conflict and she was removed intentionally?

And please don't tell me it's because their following the "story". Anything originating from a comic book can have just about any liberty taken with it; I serious doubt that the bulk of the shows fans would get upset if they varied from the comic book origins.


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reply e-death-spoilers-andrea-laurie-holden-interview-431969

Nothing to do with the actress, they just chose to go a different direction with her character and bump her off.


I hated her on TWD too! I know what you mean about rubbing you the wrong way....her walk, her overuse of movements, she "acted" too much! She didn't walk, she strutted. And I clapped when Andrea died!!! But... I never saw her in anything else. That was enough for me


Haha I'm rewatching on Netflix too but I'm on Season 2 with lots of shoving out the chest and ponytail flipping lol!! And you know....the walk. When I get to that scene at Woodbury again I'll have to watch for the barefoot chicken strut?


I wonder if she herself wanted to quit te show or if it was the creators' choice.
She's easily the biggest female TWD character in the original comics, and possibly even the overall biggest character besides Rick.
The tv-adaption of her character really didn't live up to its expectations. I guess in the tv series her role from the comics sort of got replaced by the characters of Sasha (not in the comics) and Carol (died in the comics a long time ago). It's a shame. Andrea deserved a better adaption.
