he looks way older!

he looks way older than nineteen! i was really surprised when i found out his age. when i watch "seventh heaven" i always think he looks silly playing a high school student because he's obviously so much older than that...but he's only nineteen! that's a real surprise! ps. he's also very good looking! just thought i should add that...


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I know! For weeks I've wondered why he looks so familiar even though I thought I hadn't seen him in anything else before 7th Heaven. But just now after looking him up on here, I'm shocked to realise that Tyler plays the young son in Road to Perdition. I'm like, "How much have you grown up in the last couple of years!" He does look older than 19. And, I also agree that he's very nice looking!

'I don't have the guts that Romeo did' -Leonardo DiCaprio


Yeah, I agree. He looked waay older, even in "Road to Perdition." He now looks like he's about 23-24 years old. Crazy. 19? Wow.


It could just be his physique that's all. Older or younger looking, he's handsome nonetheless.


More likely they messed up on the year, I mean he really looks older.
