MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Libertarians trying to rewrite historian

Libertarians trying to rewrite historian

The sad thing is this content maker is actually quite good when he sticks to non political history and lets the sheer historical numbers and facts lead to a conclusion

It seems here he had his conclusion, and decided to work back. hence why every single historian he cites and quotes disagrees with him. Instead he chooses to cherry pick, concentrate not he "socialist" aspects and ignore all the capitalist ones.

lets first be clear. The vast consensus of historians, economists and political scientists agree that fascism is a mix of some socialism and some capitalism. There is no real strong economic ideology behind it. Other than the service of the dictators militaristic goals and expansion.

As long as the panzers and guns got to the border, Hitler didn't care if it was "for the glory of the workers" or to let private business do their thing.

The author of this video TIk is an insane extremist. he has made such insane claims as

-"Corporations are syndicates, which are States, and thus Socialist. Again, I've been over this in the Public vs Private video, which is why I said to watch that if you disagree with me on the definitions"
-Using 2000 year old latin origins of a word to show that because private means one person and public more than one, anything public is therefore socialism
-North Korea is a democracy because "the states in charge". um wtf....

This is your brain on extreme ideology. whether its communism or its fun house mirror opposite, libertarianism.

the guy is a joke


He's not Libertarian! All his posts are about history of war and fascism. How many youtboob subscribers do you have?

This channel is all about history. I create "filthy detailed and super-accurate" World War 2 documentaries that put TV documentaries to shame. Check out my latest - BATTLESTORM Stalingrad!

FYI I neither support the far-left nor far-right, which is why some of my videos are getting plenty of dislikes, evil comments are being left on them, and why my email address is no longer available. If you have business enquires, I'm afraid you're out of luck.


wait so you cant be a libertarian because you post about history mostly... This doesn't make any sense

Would you like the quotes of him admitting hs a libertarian?

You could have taken two more seconds to find all his politics videos. including the one I literally posted the link for...

Cool story. if he claims it it must be true! Ill post more links since you are ignorant.

he has said

- "teachers, fireman and police are leaches because they steal tax payer money, it should be all be voluntarily and privately funded"

This one was in response to me saying that "markets need states because they provide a framework such as police and judges to defend and make rulings on private property, trade, contracts etc"

""let's assume that a free market can only work with State control. This means we're no longer able to talk to each other, since the State has not sanctioned our conversation (state control of the means of production - we are producing words). The fact that we're able to talk without some commissar giving us permission to do so, is a testament to the fact that humans act on their own free will without the need for guidance from some central organized society - the State. Similarly, property is myself, whatever I own, the money in my pocket etc. I don't need a State to sanction that I have things. I have things because I create or trade with other individuals for things. Don't need a State for that. You list a corporation or a court doing things, and then proceed to call them 'private'. Private means 'individual', while hierarchies of society (nations, unions, syndicates, corporations, States, governments etc) are 'public' "

please stop talking about things you clearly dont have any knowledge on


Heres more gems from the historian who def doesn't talk about politics and isnt a libertarian

"And yes, I would say that, since Marx was anti-Semitic, and that Marxism is inherently anti-Semitic, that Marxist websites are anti-Semitic. All you have to do is replace the words "bourgeoisie" and "capitalist" with "Jew" and you'll see the REAL nature of what Marxist Socialism preaches.Society = State. The State is anti-Semitic. An individual may or may not be anti-Semitic, but the State/Society is. And why is the Society anti-Semitic? Well, a Society defends itself from anti-Society/anti-Socialist elements, which, according to Karl Marx himself - "We discern in Judaism… a universal antisocial element of the present time.” - Marx, On the Jewish Question. So Karl Marx is saying that the Jews are anti-Socialist. He's saying that Jews cannot be a part of a Socialist Society - the State."

""Democracy is People Power. Except the People are the Public and the Public is the State. So Democracy is State Power. North Korea is a Democracy, because the State is in power. "

This ones in response to me posting a video about the company and family behind the current drug epidemic. and how the government literally would not regulate it or would not step in to stop these companies legally paying off doctors to push their drugs (iwhich in tiks opinion of them stepping in would be"more socialism") and instead let the free market take its course.

"Billionaires "legally" pushing drugs on people is the problem of Socialism. Free individuals (capitalists) would be able to say "no" to the drugs. But "legally" (State control, Socialism) forces these slaves into doing what Socialism wants. Yet, somehow, this isn't seen as a problem of State Power, but as a problem of the individuals who don't want to take these drugs? Thus, the Socialist calls for more State control, which will result in more drugs coming your way. If only the market (the individuals) could decide what to do with their own bodies."

As you can see even corporations are "socialism" according to him.


Is National Socialism collectivist?


is a government "collectivist"?

is the fact people cooperate in any situation, whether its in the framework of a state, a corporation, two people planning a party. are all these "collectivist, syndicalist or public and therefore "socialist"?

this is absurd. But its what the author of the video Tik does.

he actually thinks that if he redefines terms based on their 2000 year old latin safe he can just define everything as "socialism"

Tik is an extremist libertarian. even by libertarian standards hes extreme.


Yes, government intervention is collectivist.

Collectivism isn't cooperation, it's coerced "cooperation".

If the government intervenes in order to create equality, it's socialism.


LOL what..... how convenient all right wing governments are now socialist.

another libertarian I see.


There are no right-wing governments.


LOL fringe libertarian extremist confirmed.

I suggest actually studying the topic. So you don't sound so ridiculous.

The state is the modern model of organization. Whether its left or right wing these things called countries with millions of people don't run themselves magically.

Libertarian nonsense. like communism. Only somehow even dumber


A state/government that regulates/redistributes etc is obviously left-wing.


1. not what you said.

2. if you think only right wing governments dont regualte or distribute in some way you are on something.

"There are no right-wing governments."

wow peak stupidity


Left-wing/collectivist governments don't regulate and distribute?


""There are no right-wing governments."



Because all governments regulates/redistributes etc in order to create equality, therefore they are left-wing.


like I said. idiot libertarian who doesn't know shit




Yes you re nonsense. By that logic all right wing governments in history were actually left wing and socialist.

how convenient! "we can never do anything bad! only the lefties"

go back to school, you'd be laughed out of a grade 10 civics and politics class


Collectivists/central planners etc are the ones who are responsible.


You keep using terms you dont understand interchangeably. again stop talking you idiot




somehow you've used Left-wing/collectivist/central planning all interchangeably

you dont know shit. be quiet idiot


they're three sides of the same coin



"there's no right wing government"

please be quiet


Of course not, all governments regulates/redistributes etc in order to create equality, therefore they are all left-wing.


yes this is the most retarded thing vie ever heard. you'd be laughed out of even the most conservative university.

im sorry you dont know shit about political science. fail


You've been brainwashed!


ive been brainwashed to think that left and right wing governments exist... not that "everything bad is socialist cause all governments are socialist!""

how fucking retarded are you?


All governments regulates/redistributes etc in order to create equality, therefore they are all left-wing. i.e. no governments are right-wing.

That stuff could theoretically could be done via a government who did not care for equality?


LOL you re an idiot. Again go back to school.

conservative and right wing regimes dont admonitory states based off unicorn dreams and fairy farts.

there are right wing governments. try again kid


All governments regulates/redistributes etc in order to create equality, therefore they are all left-wing. i.e. no governments are right-wing.

Bad stuff can theoretically be done via a government when one does not care for the equality of it's citizens?


LOL no that's called "govenrment". not "left wing"

monarchs and aristocracies decides who wins and loses, who is favoured and not

ancient Roman Empire had classes of citizens and ruled

I guess these were all "left wing"

you are doing the identical thing the idiot TIk in the video I posted does

please stop embarrassing yourself. go back to school. Id suggest a university politics introduction 101 but it seems you need grade 10 civics


It's the policies of the authorities that matter.


lol what? stay on topic retard. you just said that all governments are left wing. nice backtracking.

ill take your concession and note it. the you were wrong and know it


It's the policies of the authorities that make them left-wing, i.e. they regulate/redistribute etc.


again by that logic all governments in history were "left wing" including Ancient Rome and the Egyptians


please dont post again


Of course governments are by definition collectivist.


again you are retarded. I cant help you


I don't need your help!


I agre. you ned a basic education. this is pathetic


Governments are socialist!


yes. retard confirmed


Governments are socialist!


as I said. no one can help with your mental retardation


Governments are socialist!


and retardation is genetic. look at you


Governments are socialist!


were you born retarded or became like this through an incident?


You are the most retarded troll I seen in a long time! Using "libertarian" to insult everyone you disagree with.


This guy said there's no right wing governments...

he's spouting off more libertarian nonsense.

no he clearly prescribes to some form of libertarianism. Im sorry you dont even have a basic education in political science. maybe go away if you cant talk like a big boy.


The pain is a lesson and its visceral.


umm what...


I never take Libertarians seriously. One of main reasons is that their view of economics is based on loosely defined paradigm that "all men are basically good" and that natural law should not be hindered by an overarching government law. The thing is, everyone I have met who claims to be Libertarian also latch on to Big Government systems that benefit them but not others, so they contradict the edict that "all men are basically good" when they display their penchant to squeeze out other people in order to maintain or expand their own enterprises.


Id say it's more based on "all men are only selfish and not cooperative at all".

While communism ignores humans greedy selfish side, libertarianism does the opposite and ignores our social and cooperative one.

while communism claims all capitalism and corporations and trade for profits is bad, again libertarianism does the opposite and claims all government and social programs are bad and corrupt.

Communists claim the capitalist steal time and value through labor, while libertarians claim the government does this.


A true Libertarian paradise would be Tom Hanks and Matt Damon's characters from Castaway and The Martian. Both live in total isolation and are 100% self-reliant. A true Communist-style environment would be like the movie The Village.


agreed. or like mad max. Mini states or princedomes within the state ruled by a major corporation or wealthy person. they will live in luxury while the rest is literal shitholes

Amazingly libertarians think that when the state withers away there won't be a power vacuum and corporations and the rich won't behave badly cause...... reasons... or cause "there won't be a government to corrupt to give them an unfair advantage"

Libertarianism is a joke
