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I was thinking the same thing when he first appeared in Orange is the New Black!


I wanna lick more than that. too bad hes such a meany on OITNB


I wanna massage his taint.


He is gay in he gay in real life??


nice fantasy.. but ultimately, who cares? as a gay man, myself... i don't care how bad he is on OITNB... every time he talks, i easily forget what he is saying...seconds after he starts speaking, and his beard and beautifully scruffy face is like a lava lamp i can't help but get lost in....


I thought he was hot as hell when he first appeared on the show. When he revealed in that he was gay (with that lin about his two beards that made me bust out laughing), I practically drool every time he's on screen. I realize it's fiction, but his super butch, no *beep* attitude is my kyptonite. I'm also a CO, so I develop CO man crushes all the time.


OMG I thought the EXACT same thing. The second he came on to OITNB I was like "DAAAAAAYUM! He got HAAAAAWWWWWTTT!" He always had a husky sexiness to him but f()ck this is beautiful! I want to get lost in that beard!

And then when his character stated that "I like Dudes" - I melted. That being said I agree with the above poster who mentioned that it doesn't matter if he's a douchebag (which Piscatelli REALLY is) I just get lost staring at him EVERY time he's onscreen!


  
I'm livin' in desperate times. Bein' alive's my only crime...
