MovieChat Forums > Kevin Hart Discussion > This guy is a wannabe Chris Tucker

This guy is a wannabe Chris Tucker

He tries to be funny like Chris Tucker, he tries to talk like him, he even tries to make the same facial expressions and everything like him. sorry, but this guy is painfully unfunny and a wannabe Chris Tucker. I have never laughed once at anything he says. i know some people will disagree with me, but hey i am just speaking my mind.


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Lol that has absolutely nothing to do with my bulletin. Just because he has money doesn't make him funny. You're an idiot.


I thought it was Chris Tucker when I started seeing the commercials for Grudge Match until I looked on here. I really don't know anything about his comedy but as far as being a Chris Tucker wannabe, I agree based on that movie.


NAhhh, he's been doing his own thing since way back when he was on "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn"


They act/look nothing alike!! All black people look the same, huh?


lmao i love when people say "but hes richer than you'll ever be" when someone criticizes a celebrity

its quite possibly the worst defense you could put up. I mean, by that standard every time u read a critics review you would think that they dunno anything cause they arent as rich as the one they are criticizing.

btw, the majority of the celebrities that are burned by the public, generally are products of nepotism or good connections and very little to do with the amount of talent required to deserve celebrity.

good to know that there will always be people shallow enough to fall into pop culture and see celebrities as never-do-wrong geniuses that arent literally selling themselves for money


lmao how can you not think they look similar? i mean you wouldnt mistake them for eachother, but they definitely have a similar overall look

at least a younger looking tucker looks very similar to hart, save for the huge height difference. They even have the same facial hair and hairstyle lol. Harts just way darker than tucker.

by ur standard, NO black people look the same lmao.
