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The main problem is that it has been a running gag for 50 years that Moneypenny is the one woman Bond never gets to sleep with. They could ignore it, but it is a fixture by now.

I could add that sleeping with Bond is about as good for you as having sex in a Horror movie, so handling the consequences might get....interesting.


Craig needs to stop suggesting people for Bond films. He suggested Forster to direct QoS and look how that turned out. Glad they didn't take his advice this time.


What was his suggestion this movie?


Craig needs to stop suggesting people for Bond films. He suggested Forster to direct QoS and look how that turned out. Glad they didn't take his advice this time.

In defence of Marc Forster and Question of Sport they did get hit by the writers strike and they only had a bare-bones script to work with. Apparently Daniel Craig had a hand in hiring Sam Mendes as well so his suggestions aren't too bad.

Moneypenny and Bond is all about sexual tension. If you remove that by having them get it on then you destroy the whole relationship between the two.

"And what am I supposed to do while you're on a yellow brick quest for a brain?"


I just hope she gets some action and isn't sat at a desk all the time.
