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Awesome post and a great question SC.
I'll have to think about my answer a bit more to make my contribution worthy.

It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Who else intrigues me?

Ezra Miller: Daniel Day Lewis level range.


Keanu Reeves...I can't say much other than I fell for him hard when I saw him in My Own Private Idaho and I still love him to this day. He is the most underrated actor but you can see that he has massive magnetic presence on screen. He is able to stay successful after three decades, still grounded and very private. His quote that I like is 'it's easy to stay grounded, it's close and you walk on it everyday' or something like that.


Ooh, I adore him, too! My favorite quote of his;
"If you can make a woman laugh, you're seeing the most beautiful thing on God's earth."
That did it for me. And his gorgeous face.


He gets better with age, doesn't he?cant wait for John Wick Chapter 2


I liked John Wick so John Wick 2 should be pretty entertaining, too.
What was he thinking when he did Knock Knock, though? Yikes I hated that movie.
