MovieChat Forums > Jon Hamm Discussion > The peanut gallery here

The peanut gallery here

Didn't know about the UT thing until I came here, but so many of you feel the need to vilify him because you hate his character on Television. What he did was deplorable and bad, I get that. It was also a very long time ago. I guess nobody here has never made a horrible mistake they regret when they were young. It just shows how sad most of you here are. The guy is a very talented actor who made a terrible mistake over twenty years ago. Let it go.

Literally nothing happens from you whining about it here. Just makes all of you look spiteful and jealous. No actor/actress Hollywood is clean of wrong doing, they all of skeletons. Neither is Mr. Hamm. For that matter very few human beings are clean of wrong doing. When young, almost every person on earth is a moron who does something horrible/stupid at some point. Bunch of sad jealous sacks here.


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Couldn't agree more, but I think you'll find most of the hate on these boards have been posted by the same person.


[Yet you've chosen to bring my name up]
Interestingly enough I didn't use any name in my post yet you were able to identify yourself as someone who has persistently written on these boards supporting the opinion the OP objected to. I never said you didn't have the right to think or post that I merely pointed out to the OP that you (Mr/Ms Blanc) are the only one fighting from that corner. I didn't force you to respond here or even (as I've said) call you by name nor did I respond to the thread you closed with "agree to disagree" as it seemed you were done. You're welcome to join this conversation which is not a discussion on how best to worship Jon Hamm rather people discussing how they feel about a celebrity who has always come across as likeable having an unpleasant incident from his past exposed. I'd like to hear your take as a fan turned despiser but you still haven't really explained to me why a person should never be given the opportunity to improve.
I'll save the rest for my reply to your other post, you know the one you posted within the same hour as the first when you were called an incessant poster.


I think I'll respond in your manner of listing quotes with from the previous posts with short responses, the written equivalent of speaking very slowly as though you don't comprehend speaking.

Try not to insult me by feigning civility. You know what you had implied.

that you (Mr/Ms Blanc) are the only one fighting from that corner.

Not true.
This might be a cheat as I'm using two quotes but this is were you step on your own foot as you can't claim to hold a majority opinion when you were the only one to respond and identify with that post and claim it's a specific insult.
Apparently you weren't.
No, I wasn't, it ended with me providing a reasoned response to why I disagreed with you and you exiting rather than doing the same. That's why I was happy to see you respond as I might finally something reasoned. But this isn't the first thread you've responded to since and you still haven't formed an argument beyond "he's a monster!" "He's beautiful outside but evil inside".
You could have had me fooled.
Well then your a slow, cynical moron. Try reading what people said allowed to yourself slowly and carefully.
I do not wish to further converse with you. His silence is cowardly
As would yours. If what you've been saying is truly what you believe then defend it properly. Explain why you are right. make me second guess myself along with anyone else here who disagrees with you
Once you use a dick joke your credibility drops.
hat post was not directed to you
Perhaps I was "misguided" by the repeated use of my name but once again you've stepped on your own foot as you claim I have been and snide by referencing you earlier despite using my actual name in a post yo say I have no right to respond to.
"ill mannered"
"Dick" jokes? "Loser?" "hugging a pillow?" you feet must be pretty sore.

Leave if you want but if you respect your opinion and you expect others to, you should't give up your argument as soon as someone else proves capable of arguing the other way. Take some time, think about what you believe and why you do and explain it in a way that you think can't be disputed and try not to sound ignorant or hypocritical.
