MovieChat Forums > Rachel Griffiths Discussion > EXTREMELY unfriendly in person

EXTREMELY unfriendly in person

My wife met her in person several years ago.

My wife works at a retail store and saw her in Los Angeles. My wife told her what a fine actress she though she was and how she loved her in Six Feet Under.

Rachel Griffiths basically looked at my wife, with a "who cares" grin, didn't say anything at all, and walked away.


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Did she ask your wife's opinion on her life's work?

If this occurred in the retail store your wife works in, it was very unprofessional of your wife to approach a customer and comment on their profession like that!


Absolutely agree sadly Dark.

My wife went up to her on the street in St. Kilda a suburb of Melbourne in Australia and asked if she could please have a photo (as my wife loves some of her films) her response was just a "NO!" and as she was walking off had the guile to face back and yell out "next time introduce yourself".

If that's not someone caught up in their own self worth I am not sure what is!

Sad as a celebrity taking a photo with a fan who has in no way been rude seems like a pretty easy thing to do.


so she was rude to someone who clearly watched and enjoyed her work and whose viewing of said work kept the woman employed.

Seems to me a simple "thank you" would have been appropriate.

Joan Crawford could teach this woman a few things about how to treat fans


You don't know her, her life, or what kind of day she was having. Regardless, she doesn't owe you anything. Also, the word is GALL. Not guile.


by douces

Did she ask your wife's opinion on her life's work?

You're actually excuses extremely rude and arrogant behavior when someone simply gives you praise for your work?

Wow, I'd hate to live in your household.

- CO-WORKER 1: Hey, congrats on that project you finalized. Good job.

- CO-WORKER 2: I didn't ask your opinion (rolls eyes and walks away).

That's normal behavior for the people in your world?

If this occurred in the retail store your wife works in, it was very unprofessional of your wife to approach a customer and comment on their profession like that!

The hell it is.

Complimenting a customer and being friendly is a big part of making them comfortable and willing to buy and come back again. Saying 'that's a nice bag' or making other small talk is par for the course. They're encouraged to interact not just stand there silently.

Where are you from?
Some cold dystopian future?

You have it backwards, it's rude to not acknowledge a person who compliments and appreciates the work you do and merely says so.



You don't know her, her life, or what kind of day she was having.

You're right.
That doesn't mean her behavior wasn't rude.

If I have a bad day and act rude or ignorant to people around me who haven't had anything to do with it...IT'S STILL MY FAULT. Sure I've had a bad day but that doesn't justify me taking it out on eveyrone.

Stop making excuses.

Regardless, she doesn't owe you anything.

No one said she did.
Again, that doesn't mean her behavior wasn't rude.

If some guy in the building I work in says 'good morning' to me in the elevator and I just stare at him and turn away saying 'I don't owe you anything', how does that NOT make me a jerk?


When I encounter pretentious, arrogant people, I completely ignore them and show them no attention whatsoever because that's what they seek the most...they thrive on it. You can see the fumes coming out of their ears and nose because they simply are not used to that type of a reaction.

Celebrities are just people...nothing more and nothing less. Some of them are the way they are because most people are always falling all over them. I can respect your talent as an artist, but that's as far as I will go.
