Shops at the co-op

Saw him in my local co-op supermarket with his family. I was like.. damn i know that guy. Quickly realised who he was, but found it hard to believe he was in a small midlands supermarket...

He was like right next to me, but i bottled speaking to him, and just smiled and nodded. If i see him again i will definitely say i enjoyed his damned united and this is England performances.


Make sure you do! He's an incredible actor. One of those Brit actors that we can all be proud of.


wow, you lucky devil - I love this guy!! Mind you, if I ever met him in person I think I'd freeze too. I know the area he lives in so might start visiting the Co-op more often. LOL!!


Man you'd think with the kind of money he's making he'd be more of a Waitrose man hahaha


Don't knock the co op... its ruddy expensive for a midlands supermarket. lol


I have seen him a couple of times in the precinct and spoken to him once, seems like a pretty sound guy. Are you from the Coalville area then?

"God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into heaven. I can't live with that."
