MovieChat Forums > Topher Grace Discussion > Why Raimi really picked Topher

Why Raimi really picked Topher

Topher Grace should've played Spider-Man. He would've made a great Peter Parker. I've been watching him on That 70's Show and I even saw him in that movie he did with Dennis Quaid. Let me tell you, I didn't see one thing in him that told me he could've made a great Eddie Brock/Venom. Anybody who says they did, is lying. Raimi chose him to play the part in Spider-Man 3 because obviously Topher would make a great Spider-Man, so why not get this kid to play the Anti-Spiderman. He was not picked because he'd make a great Venom. Anybody who knows the character Eddie Brock/Venom knows that. Topher Grace was picked before the script was even finished. Being familiar with the comics, Topher knew himself that he was wrong for the role. They screwed up with Venom and now they are trying to do the character justice and please the fans with the spinoff. There is no way Topher Grace will play Eddie Brock in the Venom spinoff. If they are really serious about getting the character right, Topher will not play the part. They will get someone that fits. Topher Grace did not make a great Venom. He made a great wimp. He made a great prick. He made a great Anti-Spiderman. I almost feel bad for him for all the working out he said he did. What a waste. Nobody even got to see it. He showed up in the last few minutes and he didn't get one shot to show off all the hard work he did to improve his physique. His face is in a couple shots, but it's mostly a stuntman or CGI playing Anti-Spiderman in the end.


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It's really the only part of the movie I don't like. Other than the 'Sandman REALLY kills Uncle Ben' because that's so retarded and blasphemous I neglect to remember it exists.

But yeah, Topher was a mistake from the beginning. He doesn't even have a Brooklyn accent. Hank Azara HIMSELF would have been closer to Eddie Brock. I always voted for Henry Rollings, myself.


Yeah that was stupid involving the Sandman with Uncle Ben's death. I pretend Spider-Man 3 never happened lol. Topher was just wrong for the part. He even knew he was. Henry Rollins has the right look, but he'd be too small to play Eddie Brock. Eddie Brock was 6 foot 3 and muscle bound.


One tip for enjoying the film: pretend the comics don't exist. I've never read the comics, and I really enjoyed Topher's performance as Venom. Because I don't know how he is portrayed in the comics.

What you're reading right now happens to be my signature, and not part of my post.


It amazes me that there are still Spidey fans out there who don't know there are TWO distinctly DIFFERENT Eddie Brocks:

1.) there was the ORIGINAL Eddie Brock -- big, muscle-bound, 35-ish --

2.) and then there's the ULTIMATE SPIDERMAN Eddie Brock -- the young, skinny, nerdy Eddie, like an evil twin of Peter Parker.

Topher Grace was the PERFECT choice for the Ultimate Spiderman version of Eddie Brock.

No human actor could play Venom -- it has to be all prosthetics & CGI.

What angered me about "Spider-man 3"(cause it sucked) was that Raimi did NOT take care of Topher, like he should have. Raimi tried to cram too much into one movie and short-changed one of the best comic-book villians of all time: Eddie Brock/Venom.

This should have been a breakthrough role for Topher and he got hardly any screen time.


The thing is that many Topher fans know honestly that he is a better actor than Tobey (Tobey is a good actor, Topher if just better) Is annoying to see how the entertainment business can be so blind many times about talented actors and usually only continue to give the acting parts to the same actors.

Raimi didn't like the Venom character, so that may had been the main reason of his neglecting of Topher acting and the Venom storyline, such a shame.

Maybe we need a director who can do with Topher like Quentin Tarantino did for John Travolta with Pulp Fiction...he sure has the talent.

A view from the city...mostly.


I agree, ACityView. Topher is an untapped talent. I suspect that he has a range that has only been hinted at. It's really a pity that his SadeSati hit just days after his 29th birthday. The worst of it should be over when Topher is 31 (less than a year away). Hopefully, his career will rev up again.


I remember hearing about Topher and thinking "I trust Raimi and had no doubt." Then Ledger got casted and everyone compared the two choices for each role. Sadly Grace got more credit on these boards then Mr.Ledger and look what happened. Ledger died a Legend, Grace still living not so gracefully.
