No Range.

He's just awful.


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He has plenty of range, look at the disparity between his character in Half Nelson and his character in Drive

Jessica Day: "You're using names now? That's not too "labelly" for you? "


Tons of range. Have you only seen The Notebook? Or something


He was very good in "Blue Valentine."


Or is his range unlimited because he's just reflecting things back to you by reacting in situations like a human... receptive and malleable.

Heard an interesting quote about acting recently (by James Corden actually), how some are like aliens and some are humans. Aliens, where you're reacting like, "how do they do that?" Amazed at their ability, highest skill level, transformative experience, etc. Daniel Day-Lewis, Mark Rylance, Sean Penn, Anthony Hopkins, Cate Blanchett, Ralph Fiennes, Christian Bale, Michael Fassbender perhaps?

And humans, you see something in them where you're like "Oh, that's me," but this level makes you feel more than anything (in my opinion), there's a universality to it: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Benicio del Toro, Robin Williams, De Niro, Tom Hanks, Javier Bardem, Heath Ledger (Dark Knight may have been alien), Joaquin Phoenix, Steven Segal (joke).

I think Gosling is just human, like in Half Nelson, Lars & the Real Girl, Blue Valentine, he's reflecting flawed people who are trying to get by in their set of circumstances. There is no "wow" factor.

Meryl Streep is both.

Then there's movie stars (Cruise, Clooney, Leo, Pitt), which Gosling kind of became and got away from his human side. Hopefully he gets back to it.




You're deluded.
