MovieChat Forums > Ginnifer Goodwin Discussion > Another topic about short hair, and pref...

Another topic about short hair, and preferences in general

I'm one of those that almost never finds really short hair attractive on a woman, even if she has an incredible face. I'd say my only exception to date is Meg Ryan (and even there, I think looks great with long hair)

I think Ginnifer would look great with a mid-length type short hair, but at its current state, it's just too short.

We're actually predisposed to certain traits. From an evolutionary standpoint (that is, versus social structure), women like men who will be financially stable and dependable, and men like women who will be good mothers, predisposed to more feminine characteristics like long hair, wider hips, and larger breasts -- which symbolize being capable of bearing, feeding, and caring for a child. As a psychologist, I'm not just BSing. You may have a personal preference, but those secondary sex characteristics define us.

In short: if I see someone from behind who is wearing gender-neutral clothing, I don't want to be unsure of their sex. I much preferred this look: er-goodwin.jpg

Just my two cents.


The only time that I can dig short hair like that on a girl is if it's a punk rock chick. Even then, there needs to be much more to the look.

In Ginnifer's case, it simply doesn't work. It makes her look like an elf. It's a shame too, since she has a beautiful face and I like her as an actress..


I don't like short hair either but some women look good in it, Ginnifer being an example.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Psychologist or no, that sounds PRECISELY like BS to me.

How else can you explain the plethora of different individual characteristics and what different people find attractive?
Simply sounds to me like you're impressing your opinion onto the rest of society, and using your occupation as psychologist as justification.


Actually the Psychologist knows what he is talking about. Beauty is mostly objective over a large sample size but can differ greatly between any two people.

In general women with more feminine traits like long hair and curvier bodies are more attractive to men. Just like men with more masculine traits like being taller, being muscular and having a square jaw are more attractive to women.


Beauty is subjective.
Media and culture can nurture and encourage certain notions of attractiveness but you cannot tell me that the human race is genetically predisposed to only attract/find attractive a limited subset of physical traits.

Psychology is a science that like any other is ever evolving and finding new revelations.


OK, it's subjective - my opinion agrees with most of the posters here, I think Ginny is incredibly unattractive with short hair, and she needs all the help she can get.


Great haircut


Then I'd fall way off to the side of that bell curve. xD

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