Gone for good.

I was at the market today and I read one of the soap mags and it stated that Renee would not be returning to One Life. That's too bad, she did and excellent job as an elegent black female that is rarely portrayed on tv, let along daytime tv. I look forward to any up coming projects that she has in the works.


Yes but I just didn't want to see her on a soap for the rest of her life, some folks stays on a soap until they are old. I soap star. I wanted Reg to move on. Many stars started out on soaps but they didn't just stay there.


I agree with you, playgames! I'm glad REG is moving on to other projects. She's way too talented to spend her entire career on a soap. Many actors on soaps have great potential for better projects and opportunities, but others pretty much have to stay because they really aren't strong enough actors for anything else. Personally, I can't wait to see her future projects.


I wanted to see her move on too, but the way these bastards did it just makes me sick.

Evangeline could've gotten a job teaching abroad, took a job in a high-powered law firm or gone missing looking for Todd. Instead they just gave a great character a non-farewell.


I agree that it was very disrespectful the way they wrote the character off the show.

But that's par for the course with ABC.

I hope Renee goes on to have a highly successful screen or primetime TV career.

Suceess is the best revenge. Those who didn't appreciate her will be sorry.


I agree! That's why I barely watch now(only once or twice a week). It was more entertaining when she is on, her story lines were very interesting and were getting better. Now the show is blah blah blah, even with the OPP, Marty and Miles, and the Jessica, Nash, and Antonio situations. I knew Renee would have eventually moved on, but I expected a few years down the line :(


it was the relationship between evangeline and christian that got me to watch it. it started when I kept seeing "Crave" videos pop up on youtube, so I watched one and then two and then three and I basically watched oltl for their storyline. Now I don't watch it at all.
