MovieChat Forums > Melissa George Discussion > An awful lot of hatred here [potential s...

An awful lot of hatred here [potential spoiler for HUNTED]

What is it that sends so many into this mode. I am not fanboy of this lady but feel that she has played her part to a very acceptable level in all i have seen her do. I saw her arrive in Alias [marathon viewed last year]and of course knew right away she was going to be trouble.

Her looks. Well it is obvious that she has had a good smacking around those lips and the swelling is not going to go down. Unfortunate that when the mouth is closed it is a an unnecessary pout and somewhat off putting.
Her face while not too bad on the front view is not matched by the profile. Having a good side is a real thing and when talking about beauty that is of course in the eye of the beholder her total look does not match up. What she does have though IMO is a very pleasing shape and although while watching the beginning of HUNTED a very good leg shape with body. She does seem to walk a little bit knock kneed. I always suggest that breast enhancement is now easy peasy and really so naff [ more than a mouthful is surely a waste???] Legs however are not yet on the surgeons horizon and that blessing as far as screen beauties is concerned not commonplace. To be visually attractive, with a good [un-enhanced] shape and to have stunning legs is rare. Put Anniston and Jolie side by side in swimsuits for an obvious example. I wont elaborate but find the attraction [ spoken so often in various scripts and comedy routines] quite odd by so many for Jolie. I am finding that the plot devices in Hunted [two episodes in] a little odd in that she can really take a BEATING and moves around so unbelievably like an invisible man.

I see also so much apparent hatred for her in regard to her homeland. I doubt that is the case. But I do see that her acting roots might be viewed as a little embarrassing. Here in the UK we have Michael Crawford who does like to look forward and is sometimes accused of turning his back on his early works. But SOME MOTHERS DO HAVE THEM is very dear to the public here. We also have David Jason of ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES who has we are told not allowed repeats of his early works as he feels they do not show him up in a good comedic light. People were fond of his early stuff but repeats do attract royalties for those involved however none of his colleagues will get pennies for those never to be shown repeats.

Actors who are 'genuine' people should have no problems with past works being referenced.

I note there are so many who wish to denigrate women especially. I feel no thoughts about HOTNESS FITNESS and all those descriptive adjectives which by many are compliments of course but can be seen as demeaning. In the terms fitness regarding Melissa George I feel it can apply because it looks as though this now aging of course lady seems to actually be fit. I am assuming the running she is doing in HUNTED is not CGI.

It is a wonder the usual tripe about accents is not being bandied about. I also think that US have a lot of people who just do not like non US actors taking roles from them. Melissa has been very good at hiding her Australian accent in this to date and sound quite English. The US accent of course is merant to be part of her disguise/alias.

So come on 'people' do stop knocking where it is not relevant to the movie/series etc.

We have in the UK many actors a well. I saw a comment that made me smile yesterday. Judi Dench DAME OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE was never sen as BEAUTIFUL. But when she took on a role she then became Beautiful. Perhaps we [UK]are more appreciative of abilities than looks although looks sometimes makes for a bigger payout. That's almost like another profession???


Your rant/far-too-critical about this actress's looks is super creepy and also super insulting.

Who are you to judge someone's 'attractiveness' so harshly? You even have the hypocritical gall to end your post by spouting some nonsense about how you Brits have the sophistication and superiority over everyone else because you judge by ability, not looks.

