MovieChat Forums > Bill Gates Discussion > He's billionaire, white, male boomer...

He's billionaire, white, male boomer...

why do SJWs and their ilk listen to him? They should hate him.


Probably because he has money and he's got his foundation with his wife and he doesn't really get too politically extreme. SJW's certainly dump on everybody their Facebook hate group tells them, somehow Gates is off their list.
They obviously don't see their hypocrisy they just stay on Facebook 25 hours a day, completely brainwashed by what they think is their friend but ultimately will destroy them.


Your points are valid.

"doesn't really get too politically extreme." I guess that depends on your definition of extreme. He caters to the SJWs in a subtle way.


Because he's doing their bidding, I guess.


Good answer


i guess the so called sjws and ilk maybe listen top whats being actuially said rather than just looking at class skin colour and going by mob mentality


That's hilarious.




oh , wait , you being a non sjw ( ie doenesnt just listen to lesbian midgets, like a sjw would)
*do* listen to Bill?


What has he actually said thats upset you?
I dont read the news much.
Last message i got from him was "your pc needs an update"


That was from a scammer in Bangladesh.


I love how the dude/dudette admits he/she is uninformed yet preaches in the previous post, which proved his/her level of unawareness.


can you enlighten me?
Should Bill Gates be listened to or not?

I'm not sure if our definitions of SJW are the same either
mine is "wants equality and is vocal about it"
yours is probably "hates white people"

Either way was you OP aimed at discussing SJWs , or Bill Gates?
