Is he gay??

and has he done it with only guys??(


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No David is not Gay nor is he bi

July 16 - Half Blood Prince
Aug 30 - Eldest


I do believe David is gay. There's tons of rumors stating this and a lot of evidence that it's true.
Simon probably should be as it is hard to believe he isn't gay.
I'm sure when David is more comfortable being gay he will come out, but for now, he'll continue pretending he's straight so he doesn't hurt his teenie bopper fan base.
Assuming he still has fans.
It's a shame he can't embrace his homosexuality though. Must be tough on him.


And why do you guys believe he's gay? What are the evidences? 'Cause he has two rings in his left ear? Don't think so. Come with better evidence, please!


David is 100% straight he is not gay. Its absurd almost every male celebrity message board at IMDB has a thread saying they are gay blah blah. Whatever David knows he isnt gay and just laughs that some people think he is. Oh and his character Simon is also defiantly not gay.

David has more then just teenagers for fans

July 16 - Half Blood Prince
Aug 30 - Eldest


I agree with you, Dog Star Sir Pro that I don't think he's gay because he's straight.

I love L. Black, M. and K. Culkin, G. Smith, D. Gallagher, B. Watson, J. Leillott, Prince William!


I do not know/care if he is gay or not. I definately do not have a problem with it but he is not only starring as Dorian Grey but also producing the picture in the upcoming "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and that novel does have homosexual overtones...So that is that.

The one thing that does get me about every single actor having a thread like this is the fact that it doesnt matter! But thats just my
