MovieChat Forums > Zach Galifianakis Discussion > He's an absolute hypocrite!

He's an absolute hypocrite!

He is totally resonsible for Mel Gibson's cameo in Hangover 2 being cancelled. Here's what he said: "I'm in a deep protest right now with a movie I'm working on, up in arms about something. But I can't get the guys to [listen] ... I'm not making any leeway."

Zach Galifianakis had no objections to starring in a film with Mike Tyson who was convicted of raping an 18-year-old and bit the ear off Evander Holyfield, yet he refuses to work with Mel Gibson who has not been charged (yet) with any crime. Yes, Mel was extremely insulting to Oksana in a series of private conversations and made other comments that were offensive, but to refuse to work with him (and be completely tolerant of Mike Tyson) is hypocritical.


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>> Aren't you late for a Klan meeting?

Obama is a one-term president.


Please secede.


Speaking of November 2nd. I'd just like everyone to know to vote YES on Prop 19!!!


Go screw yourself alatz27, cryjusticedotcom3000 the threadstarter is exactly right


good point! LOL


Hmm, not so much.
