MovieChat Forums > James Franco Discussion > stoned at the academy awards ?

stoned at the academy awards ?

how do you feel about this. are the academy awards crap and deserve to have a stoned host or is he immature and should have done the job professionally and not stoned ? was it funny to see anne hathaway having to do it all herself ? or do you think he wasn't stoned and was pretending to be ?


Probably both. Hathaway was ready to hit him on camera, he was so checked out.


I quite understand a drunk or a pothead (most of my favorite people are drinkers or puffers) but one should reserve that stuff for home

On the job you must act like a pro


a real stoner can smoke mad weed and keep it together. this bozo was probably acting high as a joke or he isnt a real chronic user and it actually messed him up


I don’t agree, I’ve known stoners that amounted to very little.


i been smoking weed non stop since age of 14 and was millionaire at 22. money didnt change my life what really changed me was quitting alcohol and porn and putting my faith back in the Lord! i want to quit weed but dont have it in me yet since i am serious addict and it the most attached drug i am too but one day i hope to give up this vice as well. the liquor is socially acceptable yet a million times more dangerous and destructive than the ganja. if ur driven and want to succeed the weed will only help you out by chilling you out making your personality more palatable. if i am not on weed i am an even bigger asshole than i am now and burn bridges out of frustration and big ego getting in the way


Cool, it seems like it’s all worked out for you.


I take it you're too young to remember Matt & Trey (South Park) cross dressing and tripping on Acid at the awards years ago


I use to watch South Park years ago, what year did they do the awards?


They didn't. They only showed up stoned.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with getting high before having to endure the long, painful process of the ultimate celebrity circle-jerk (the Oscars).

It would be awful to have to be stuck in that room lol.


I think it's super sad that people have to "get high".


Some people "have to", others "choose" to, "want" to, "decide" to, etc.
Why would that be sad? I don't get it.

I also find it sad when people like things that I don't.


Because wasting one's brain, coherence and thought process with drugs and/or alcohol is sad. "Getting high" is a huge step down from unimpaired.


Ahhh, I gotcha.

Depends on the drug, tbh.
It's impossible to lump each and every one into the same group, then over generalize with a blanket statement such as "it wastes ones brain, coherence and thought process".

Because nobody has ever done anything successful while stoned. /s


It's called "impaired" for a reason.


See my previous comment lol.


Justifying drug use cuts zero mustard with me. "Getting high" is childish and completely selfish, IMHO. I have yet to meet someone whom I like more (or can even tolerate), when they're impaired.


Literally nobody cares about your cut mustard, though.
There's nothing childish or selfish about someone doing something harmless in the privacy of their own homes (going to the awards stoned comment aside, the convo seems to have steered toward just getting stoned in general).

"Selfish" means to lack consideration of others and only care about yourself. I'm not sure how that fits into people getting high and not bothering/hurting anyone.

You've never met anyone you can tolerate or "like more" when they're impairedso?
Has nothing to do with getting stoned being harmless.
It seems more like a testament that you either need to get out more, or just stop living in the Reagan era.


Literally nobody cares about your cut mustard, though

Apparently you do.


I do? Because I replied to a comment? Odd.
I re-read my comment and I can't find where I ask about the quality or the current state of your mustard lol. Because IDGAF, like everyone else.

I'm of the belief that one is able to both discuss something, and not have a personal investment in said topic.


You do, and you do GAF.


You caught me.




i was a little curious if it was spicy, dijon, or just a run of the mill yellow variety


I love them all, how about you😃


James has made it very clear that he doesn't actually smoke pot or do drugs, so he wasn't stoned.


you see him at his own comedy central roast? he could barely stand up without leaning his full weight on the podium, kept slurring his speech and tripping on his words, kept bringing up how handsome he was as if he was a well-known sex symbol. he was clearly drunk or on heavy drugs.
