MovieChat Forums > Jenna Fischer Discussion > What would you ask Jenna Fischer?

What would you ask Jenna Fischer?

This weekend some of the IMDb staff will be interviewing the creators and stars of Hall Pass (
* Jenna Fischer (
* The Farrelly Brothers(,
* Jason Sudeikis (

We want to ask the questions that you all care about. What do you want to know about the making of the movie Hall Pass? If you could ask those actors any question, what would you ask?

Thank you,
Jordan H.


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Oooo I like this. The first time I login to imdb for a while (over 2 years haha) and it's great timing.

Well I've only really seen Jenna in The Office so I'd like to ask her 'What is your favourite moment from The Office?' And a second question too actually if that's cool, 'If you had to give someone one piece of advice, what would it be?'

Hope my questions get asked! :)


(Cheshire Cat grin)

"So Jenna...length or girth?"

(sound of me getting tazed)

Put not your trust in kings and princes. Three of a kind will beat them both.


Sadly, the questions I most want to ask would be highly inappropriate in public.


Oh wow, that is awesome! Thank you so much for asking my question VideoJordan! Much appreciated :)


This is why people like us aren't allowed out of our cages.

Still, I think there's a .01% chance Jenna would whip out her C-cups if you asked your "question", so I support you.

Put not your trust in kings and princes. Three of a kind will beat them both.

reply u.aspx

^ NOT whether or not she'll do nudity in a movie, that's for sure!


Why hasnt she responded to any of my letters?
