Tired Liberal

I just read her interview in The Hollywood Reporter, another halfwit out of touch Liberal pushing the Nazi card when it comes to Trump. Enough is enough every time you compare Trump to Hitler you diminish the truth about what an evil man he was and what the Nazis really were and on top of that degrading the memories of the millions they killed. Then again you are just part of the collective with no working independent brain cells. Just follow the Leftist talking points which by the way worked out real well for you guys, especially the way Hollywood brought out the votes for Hillary in the Midwest, oh sorry that didn’t happen. So keep it up making sure the Dems hold no power what so ever. They already re-elected Nancy “we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it” Pelosi. Go ahead and elect Keith “the Anti-Semite” Ellison to run the DNC, even the Liberal ADL won’t back him.

The real joke of this is the Left was willing to back a criminal lowlife who would have sold her daughter and grandchildren to the highest bidder who took millions from countries that treat woman as pets and torture and imprison Gays and Lesbians. She stayed married to an Ex-President who runs a Ponzi scheme and was actually caught red handed in the oval office with a 22 yo intern among many other accusations of abuse from many women.

Again I have to remember we are talking about an entertainer who and correct me if I’m wrong hasn’t made a good movie since ………… has she ever made a good movie? Her SNL Weekend Update bit was stale at best, Jimmy Fallon carried her and everyone knows he isn’t some great comic genius.

Tina I bet you can see the Wolfs Lair from your house.


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posted 47 years ago?


It really is quite spectacular to observe how stunningly thin-skinned Trumps supporters are, almost as thin-skinned as Trump himself. Settle in for an awful lot more mocking and criticism of Trump because you've got four full years of it coming.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


I supported him but neither us supporters nor him (saw his speech within the last week?) are thin skinned. There is praise from many parts of the country and from, specifically, certaian older folks. Hillary can suck Ben and Jerry liberal Ice Cream. BUt also I do find Tina Fey empirically funny as an actress a nd appropirate as a family p;erformer due to her clean image (Sisters notwithstanding) Still Tiffany Trump's hot.


The left can mock Trump all they want in fact I encourage it because every time they do more and more people see how unhinged the Progressives, Liberals and Dems are. So Keep it up and please go after the people in fly over country call them all rubes, the southerners make sure to call them all Rednecks and anyone else that voted for Trump as just plain uneducated and dumb. I mean that strategy worked out so well look at where Hillary is now, actually where is Hillary?

Lastly I will explain my point as it went way way over your head. Anyone who compares Trump to Hitler obviously has no clue who or what the Nazis were. I would recommend reading a book or two or three or four before you start making those comparisons.

Again please keep mocking Trump it’s such a winning strategy.


Actually you were being mocked, Jeffy.


“You 'encourage' people to mock Trump, come on man, give me a break, like I said, you people are SO thin-skinned”.

Of course it just makes more and more people see how completely unhinged the Left is but most of us knew that already. Safe spaces, wearing diaper pins, therapy dogs, coloring books etc. I’m thinking why not hand out participation trophies to all the people that voted for Hillary that should calm all of you down. How is that being thin skinned?

“It's quite sad to see how blind you people are to how dangerous and ill prepared for being president Trump is”

Obama was qualified and his supporters weren’t blind, way too funny. Do you really want to go there? Obama was a community organizer, never held a real job, hung out with Bill Ayres (a confirmed terrorist), sat in a church run by an anti American hate preacher, had a dismal Illinois State Senate record, his US Senate record was just as bad and slim. His lack of foreign experience has caused Syria to turn into Dresden. The press gave him a free pass from the day he announced his run through today, by the way are those shovel ready jobs good to go now, did you get to keep your DR, did you save $2,500.00 on insurance. Sorry but at least trump actually ran businesses, hired people, built things etc. And yes he did file for Bankruptcy on occasion just like many major US corporations and people.

“with every new (deeply unqualified) person Trump appoints to his cabinet, it becomes more and more clear that he has NO idea what he's doing”

Really deeply unqualified please expand because Obamas picks were so great. Kathleen Sebelius couldn’t get a web site to work with unlimited tax payer money. Hillary Clinton who basically traveled around the world and did zero, how did that reset work out, oh right reset us back to the Cold War. John Kerry who embarrassed the whole nation when he had James Taylor sing “You got a Friend” after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. How about Julian Castro just Google the guy and you’ll get a good laugh. These are just a few out of many.


Ah, deflecting from how right I am by waffling nonsense abotu Obama and Clinton, how terribly mature of you.

I guess it's all cool if you want to keep deluding yourself that Trump is a good thing, time will show you how wrong you are.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


You’re hilarious, you add nothing but opinion with no facts about how dangerous Trump is along with his picks, talk about waffling and deflecting. Just typical Liberal nonsense, scare tactics and hyperbole. You Leftists are beyond help at this point, though I do find it very amusing. I’m surprised you didn’t pull out the old standby that Trump will toss senior citizens off a cliff. I think it’s time to update the Leftist handbook it’s getting real old at this point, comical but old.

Any way I proved my point you on the other hand have no point just hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with you, just like all good members of the collective. So wear that Diaper Pin proud on your Che Guevara shirt (I’m sure you must think how hip you look and not even caring about the countless people he murdered) find a nice safe space get a few coloring books, a therapy dog, watch episodes of Real Time believe morons like Ms. Fey that Trump is Hitler if it helps you get through the next 4 hopefully 8 years.

Remember what President Obama said “Elections have consequences”




Why are you talking about Che Guevara? What does that have to do with anything either of us have said......oh, I see, you're now making wild assumptions about me because I agree with Feys opinion and I percieve Trump to be a misogynistic, dangerously underqualified, thin-skinned, whiny man-child?

It's interesting that you claim that I 'have no point, just hatred for anyone who doesn't agree with you' when you were the one who made a point of seeking out the message boards for an actress because you didn't like the opinions she gave in an interview. I absolutely loathe Donald Trump and everything he stands for and I have a very low opinion of people who support him but do you want to know how many times I have visited HIS message boards or even his IMDB page? Zero so go figure which one of us has blind hatred for anyone who they disagree with.

Oh and by the way, Hillary Clinton ended up with 2.7 million more votes than Trump and it's literally because of this ridiculous Electoral College system that the US has that Trump 'won'. Trump knows it too which is why he has had to try and brainwash his followers in to believing that these 2.7 million more votes that she got were ALL illegal  so yeah, he'll not get elected a 2nd time.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey
