Deserves an Emmy

Or at the very least an Emmy nomination for his role in True a Detective season 2. Regardless of what the consensus of the overall season was, Farrell was freaking amazing as Detective Ray Velcoro. One of the absolute best performances ever by an actor in television history.


No argument. He carried that show on his back. The dismal reception the show received just made it impossible to consider any nominations, unjust as it is.


What category would TD have been in? Limited series or mini series? That would have been a tough category to get into as a Lead Actor (Hiddleston, Elba, Cranston, Cumberbatch and the two actors from the OJ miniseries) Maybe supporting actor in a limited series, but the competition is fierce there.
I agree with the other poster that most people just wanted to forget that S2 ever happened, and Colin was part of the fallout on that.


S1 submitted nominations in the "drama" category and that is part of why MM did not win, because it was the same category as the last season of Breaking Bad. I'm not sure that HBO even bothered to submit S2 or promote it for Emmy nominations. He did a great job with a flawed character and a clunky script.

I've been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened-Mark Twain


They didn't go far enough with that script - everyone was waiting for a tie-in to season one and it never happened - the writer blew it this time.
I'm sure Collin would have gone for it. The salacious sex stuff never materialized.

There are people we meet in life who miss being important to us by inches, days, or heartbeats. Anot


To the OP and the first individual to respond: I agree with both of you and I can only hope this comes true and wins the upcoming Emmy! He has what it takes my friends and can only hope he wins this year's Emmy award for Leading Male in a Drama Series. In addition, he had some classic lines in True Detective that will be remembered forever. Personally, I about lost it when he told the father off on the man's porch and I believe he beat him senseless. That was 1 of the best moments in television history and I would bet the show runners were aimed in that direction. Does anyone else agree with my assessment regarding CF and the show TD?

"Imagine how disappointed they'll be if they're Cubs fans."


The Emmys were awarded two weeks ago and True Detective was not among the nominees in any category. I know. It's a shame.
