Exciting. They make a great team. I'm guessing it's based on "Hippolytus"?


more "Herakles". The title represents the third labor of Hercules.

So excited for that movie. It seems that Lanthimos is goind to shoot it in USA.
And it is clearly a drama.

And probably targetting Cannes again ... 😀😍


Great catch, Harfang. I was recalling the father-son tragedy in the other play.


That sounds great. I love that Colin is making unexpected choices and focusing on good movies. I love that, by and large, he does what he says he's going to do.

I've been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened-Mark Twain



Hmmmmm.......Colin will have to wear lifts in his shoes, for sure!


When I read that article, the first thing I thought of was that she is 8 years older than him! I guess she could pass for a few years younger, and he could pass for a few years older, but his romantic partners are usually much younger than him!
And yes, she is much taller than him. I will be interested in seeing how they do the perspective shooting of the two of them. Maybe they will show the difference in height, maybe they won't. Peter Jackson said the hardest part of filming LOTR was having characters who were all different heights (elves, dwarfs, hobbits, men), but in reality the same height, in the same scene! Can't wait to see it.


 Somehow I can't see them together.

I've been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened-Mark Twain
