MovieChat Forums > Vera Farmiga Discussion > Do you think Vera will win the emmy for ...

Do you think Vera will win the emmy for her role on Bates Motel?

I only watched Scandal and Bates Motel out of the 5 nominations and i think Vera did better than Kerri Washington.
Farmiga's role is haunting, damaged and unpredictable and really really great.


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She's amazing but I truly doubt she'll win.I think Claire Danes will win.


Yeah..sadly i have to agree with that. All the other websites predicted it too. What a strong contender she is..i think i gotta check on that show Homeland.


She was fantastic and deserves to but i dont she will. Robin from House of Cards or Claire from homeland will win.

"I'm afraid i just blue myself"


Danes is amazing, and not only in Homeland. Washington cries a lot but that's about it. Vera Farmiga is brilliant but she doesn't get the material in Bates Motel that she needs for a win. The fact that she should be a supporting character that has been pushed to a lead is not helping.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


* I don't know why she feels she has to do TV now...when her talent and prestige merits much more than that. I mean, sure making a highlight cameo in an HBO series is one thing, but to take a day job a b-rate prime-time television show? Would Cate Blanchett ever do that? As actresses, at one time I had them both in the same league.

"Go balls deep, Dad!"
-Scotty Crane


personally i find Blanchett to be quite overrated around here as everything i have seen her in so far she comes across a bit to dry for me. but ill see how she is in Blue Jasmine (once it's released on video) as i figure that's her best chance to impress me as if that fails i doubt she will change my opinion of her into the foreseeable future.

but i think Vera just likes to take a bit more risks is all here and there instead of playing it safe like many of the big name actors/actresses do who tend to stick to mostly name directors etc.

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playing it safe like many of the big name actors/actresses do who tend to stick to mostly name directors

Are you kidding? Playing it safe is more like stumbling upon one bankable role and repeating it over and over. Like Jason Statam or Kate Hudson.

Actually, if what you mean by "name" directors your referring to Hollywood 'artists' like Scorsese, (PT) Anderson, Malick, Aronofsky, Allen etc, etc its they that are usually daring to tangle art in front of the mainstream on the basis of a big star (like a Blanchett for instance) agreeing to work for fast food wages & thus helping in securing a green-light.

That's often pretty risky, and that seems very much the career ebb that actresses like Amy Adams or Jessica Chastain (both Vera's age) seem to be embarking on. Vera has more talent and appealing looks than both of them, not to mention Oscar nominations that sealed her status on the A-List. ...but since than (despite directing and staring in a rather dismal and forgettable indie-drama) she's turned to roles in B-films and basic-cable television.

My theory. She's got multiple kids now and a husband that very likely makes much less money than she does. So she needs to be paid quickly.

"Go balls deep, Dad!"
-Scotty Crane
