MovieChat Forums > Vera Farmiga Discussion > Never heard of her before...

Never heard of her before...

I saw Up in the Air. I see from her bio that I haven't seen anything she's been in so I guess she is just one more in a long line of current actors I don't recognize. She seems to have a loyal fan following.

I enjoyed her performance but her face looked like it had either botox or some sort of plastic surgery. Maybe not but it was a distraction.

Anyway, I thought her performance was good but not good enough for an Oscar nod.

Yes, another otherwise useless post on the IMDB board.


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Yes, another otherwise useless post on the IMDB board.

If you think it's useless then why even post it? You don't seem to care about her so why would anyone else care what you think of her?


enjoyed her performance but her face looked like it had either botox or some sort of plastic surgery

Seems like another ignorant statement. But Desmond is good for that.


You cared enough to read and write to me - thanks!


Thanks for reading and responding to my "ignorant statement" I wonder what that make you? 'ncle - you make me laugh. Thanks, I need it sometimes - even if you are a pervert.


High praise, coming from a pervert.


You haven't seen The Departed?


...I saw "Orphan". But I know "Departed" too. I haven't noticed before that she was in "Departed".
