Dear Dakota

Dear sweet adorable Dakota, I have lived through many fads and trends, some good, some bad. All anyone needs to do is look at photos of movie stars from bygone era's to see this is true. Please, please don't do things because others are doing it. You have delicate features and beautiful fair skin. The darkening of your eyebrows is detracting from your beauty. I know this is a fad just like women in the 30's plucked them bare and drew on a line. That looks silly to us just as over drawing and darkened brows will look in the future. Don't follow this trend anymore please be a leader.


Like her doing that is going to screw her up permanently? It's more than likely the makeup person doing it in photo shoots, and it's temporary. FFS

People get upset over the strangest things.  



Screw her up permanently? I don't remember saying that. I do realize that she is taking the advice of makeup artists. I am also offering advice nothing more.


Well, sadly, doing this could mess up her light eyes permanently or at least that is what I have read and such does make sense. I so totally agree with the OP.

Dakota dearest, you are a total natural beauty and darkening your eyebrows adds nothing to your superb looks. Rather, dark eyebrows only detracts from your adorable Nordic face!


She has darker eyebrows naturally (she doesn't even pluck them and has said she doesn't touch them) and dyes her hair to stay blonde. The OP's post is moot.


In case the link doesn't work it's photo #191 on her profile page. I wonder if you looked at her pics before commenting. For the record, my comment was directed at one person and didn't require a response from anyone else.


- If by 'directed at one person' you mean Dakota herself, then you are wasting your time. She doesn't really do public social media and the chances of her reading anything in this forum are extremely unlikely. You'd have more luck shouting it loudly. 

- If you didn't want a response then you shouldn't have posted on an open and public forum. This place is for everyone to discuss (at least for a few more days) and you don't decide whether something 'requires a response'. If you didn't want a response you should have found a different and more private way to get the message to her.

- I wonder if you have listened to or read Dakota's interviews before commenting. That photo proves nothing beyond that her eyebrows are darker than her hair (which we know she dyes). It doesn't prove that she darkens them herself. Her hair is naturally a lot darker these days but because she dyes it we never get to see it. As the other poster said, she has previously stated that she doesn't do anything to her eyebrows, she doesn't darken them. So how exactly do you expect her to stop doing something she isn't doing?
So yes, your comment is something of a moot point, although maybe you didn't realise that she doesn't darken her brows.

- As for your comment of 'that looks silly to us' - speak for yourself, not for the rest of us. YOU have an issue with it and that is YOUR problem. It's not up to Dakota to fit YOUR definition of what is okay. You say you don't want her doing what others do, yet by doing what you wish she would be doing exactly that.


Are you serious? I'm a professional makeup artist and I know without a doubt someone darkened her brows in that photo. I haven't read anything regarding what she claims she does oil doesn't do, I have eyes. Maybe you should consider getting glasses? BTW I have heard from people that would surprise you after leaving comments on this board. As you said yourself it's a public forum isn't she a part of humanity which we call the public? One last thing, my comment was addressed to Dakota, not anyone else, but some people feel the need to offer opinions whether they were asked for or not. Peace
