MovieChat Forums > Jesse Eisenberg Discussion > Eisenberg as Luthor: Interesting reflect...

Eisenberg as Luthor: Interesting reflection of the world today

It makes me think of Ben Whishaw as the younger Q sort of at odds with the older Bond in Skyfall, and of course Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg. Anyone else find it interesting seeing the rise of this archetype of the young computer genius? I wonder what it is about brilliant young people in the field of technology that the writer/producers of Hollywood films nowadays find intimidating, or at the very least unnerving. Thoughts? Also, any other examples of this new archetype?


I think what people were expecting is Gene Hackman but born in the 1950s. They want the bald cancer ridden Walter White except without cancer and with billions of dollars.


No they want the modern Lex Luthor that never has been in live action yet.

The Lex Luthor in the DC animated shows and movies.


Clancy Brown did an incredible job as Lex in the Timm-verse. I would love to see him play the role in a live action movie.


Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin also has this nerdy look but looks very sinister. Actually, even in Chronicle.

Giving you a slow-clap, Señor Chang style.


I too am actually stoked for Eisenberg as Luthor. Watch the Social Network and you'll understand completely. Dude can played shrewd like nobody's business. I AM worried that they could use a major comedy angle instead. I don't want another Hackman in the role...I just want a cold, shrewd billionaire genius who has sick sardonic humor. In other words, Mark Zuckerberg from the Social Network .


Yet another in a long line of bad casting decisions in super hero films. He was good in Social Network playing a jerk geek-which he does well but Lex Luthor are you serious? Better deepen that voice and gain some weight. Horrible casting yet again.

Nothing is as it seems so I wouldn't judge by what you think you see.


Well, I think this casting is great. It's new, it's not conventional. They are trying something new and interesting and Jesse Eisenberg can do it.


John Shea did a pretty good job as a live action Lex Luthor back in the 90s in Lois&Clark. And then ofcourse there's Smallville. You guys are so obsessed with railing on Gene Hackman or Kevin Spacey that you forget the TV shows from the 90s to present day.
