Love this guy

This man right here is a definitive character actor. Always in those small parts where each character is so different and he kills it every time. Respect




Other than his role as Little John in Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, it seems that Durand was always playing nasty, malevolent characters, like the fellow that Russell Crowe kills with a fork by the campfire in 3:10 to Yuma, or the a-hole cop in Fruitvale Station. So I was always wary of him. But his performance as Fet the exterminator in The Strain has completely won me over. Now I look forward to seeing him all the time!


My husband and I love him as well. He is a great character actor, we are loving him in The Strain right now, rooting for him to survive and win over Dutch!


Agreed!!! Very underrated actor with more talent than many "Big Name" actors (Tom Cruise comes to mind immediately...). He's able to express deep regret and sorrow with just his eyes, and yet in the next frame, express a "hardness" with tough, proven determination. He's definitely not an emotionless automaton actor. He deserves much more respect as an actor. I would love to see him in more movies!!!!
