MovieChat Forums > Kevin Durand Discussion > Dark Was the Night

Dark Was the Night

hello xtreeemely sleepy board!😴
just wanted to let you know that Kevin's new movie--in which he is the star & a good guy (i think...)!!-- is hitting THEATERS & itunes on July 24th.

Please go see it, for the sake of Kevin's career. If enough people see this movie, the casting directors out there will consider him for more good guy main character roles....

Awww...shortest honeymoon ever!
--Vasiliy Fet


for crying out loud *bump* because it's coming out soon!

Awww...shortest honeymoon ever!
--Vasiliy Fet


it comes out tomorrow, and you can pre-order it on itunes for viewing just after midnight.
please, if you are a fan of his, SUPPORT THIS MOVIE!
hopefully this and the strain will lead to him getting more leading good guy roles...

I can't swim.
--Vasiliy Fet


I saw this movie a week or so ago on Redbox. Not too shabby.


I saw it in the theater and liked it. Kev's performance is good. Not sure how I feel about the ending. However it was nice to see him in a serious lead role, and not him co-starring as the comic relief or the strong arm or the comic strong arm...

I can't swim.
--Vasiliy Fet


Just finished watching it on Netflix and loved it. Kept me interested throughout the entire movie. Love him so that was a plus. Love him in the Strain and he was great as the abusive policeman in The Echo. Those blue eyes...


Just saw this the other night on Netflix. A nice, slow moving horror film, better than most recent horror films because it focuses so much on character. And with the acting being as good as it is, by the likes of Kevin and Lukas Haas, it was a good film. Kevin is terrific, in fact, I found myself thinking "WHO is this guy and why isn't he in more?" which is what brought me here. I definitely will seek out Kevin's (and the director's) other films. Why didn't this film get a wider release when there is so much dreck that DOES go wide?
