MovieChat Forums > Lexa Doig Discussion > Lexa Doig should play Cortona in the HAL...

Lexa Doig should play Cortona in the HALO movie

I have watch her for years on Andromeda but i was watching Jason X when it came to me that Lexa Doig would be perfect as Cortona in the HALO movie (x-box number one video game series that Peter Jackson is attached to as Producer).


indeed, but halo being xbox's number one series, hardly, the series loses more and more fans after every iteration, when halo 3 came out, a whole bunch of people swore off the series, i being one of them, i cant stand halo 3

"All must obey the mug, why, because i am the mug and i say so!"-Lord Infamus


It sold about 10 million copies so, yeah, number one.


i dont care how much it sold, i preordered my copy like everyone else did, and was dissapointed like everyone else was, we was duped and now we know we better

"All must obey the mug, why, because i am the mug and i say so!"-Lord Infamus


That's what you get for buying into Halo, it isn't called "the most overrated game in history" for nothing.


ive never bought into halo, i just got it so me and my brother could play together, ive never liked halo

"All must obey the mug, why, because i am the mug and i say so!"-Lord Infamus


You see I only like number 3, as to the actual subject of the board sure she could.

In silence you can't hide anything ... as you can in words.- August Strindberg, The Ghost Sonata
